the fight

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Kevin POV

As soon as I got the Text that they are outside by the park I know that it wouldn't take me for long because from my house the park it just 15 minute away from the house so I was like cool. I put on my Jordon slides and started walking straight to the park that they told me that they are at. When I got there I see a car parked in the parking lot and I knew that it is them so I walked up to the passenger side of the car and told Trina that I love her and I am going to win for her love. Then Andre got his old ass out of the car and talking about how he going to whoop my ass and shit. so we looked at each other and we started fighting so I hit Andre in his stomach and then after that he punched me in my jaw as soon as he punch me in my jaw that is when I spit out blood and I started going crazy on him I was like oh hell no.

Andre POV

So we text that nigga Kevin and told him we are outside at the park and he text back and said cool I will be there in 15 minutes. As soon as we saw the text that is when he decides to tell Trina that he is going to win and how he can treat her better than me and I was like really nigga wasn't you chasing other females when you had her. so then I got out the of the driver sit and went to the front of the car and told him to lets start fighting for her love so as soon as we started fight some chick comes running to the park and was like what the hell is going on the looks at the car and she saw Trina and told her to get the fuck out of the car bihhh!!!! She was like um who in the hell you think you are talking to bihhh? Soon as that happen that is when Trina got out of the car and started beating up Kevin's baby momma.

Trina POV

Okay so I am in the car while Andre and Kevin are fighting some random chick comes running down the street and tells me to get the fuck out of the car bihhh!!!! I told her um who in the hell you think you are talking to bihhh? Then I got out of the car and started beating the shit out of that bihh she got me fucked up if she think that I was not going to do shit and why the fuck do she have a problem with me she don't need to have a damn problem with me she has a problem with her baby daddy he is the one that wants me I don't want him I am fine where I am at but I am not going to let that bihh talk to me any kind of way.

the day at the doctors appointment


Me and my wife was at are doctors appointment and we seen keyshae and I know that my wife was getting mad because she has history with keyshae of course you know what happened with Chris. the girl that was on Chris lap was keyshae and now she is trying to pinned a baby on me. and she was the doctors office in the waiting room to wait for the doctor to see how many months she is and I can see that my wife was getting upset and I didn't want that for her and my baby safety so I told her to go in the room and get on the table and she did what I told her to do and I look to my left and keyshae looked at me and blow me kiss and I liked at her like she is crazy.

Ashley POV

Me and husband at the doctors office and we both looked to our left and that is when we saw keyshae I was like omg wtf do I see her everywhere I go she a bug verse that you cant get away from ugh. then my husband knew that I was getting upset and that is when he told me to go in the room and sit on the table  and claim your sexy ass down and when he said that I had went in the room like he said and sat on the table and claim down. but I think that I was to claim  because I got horny af the way he took control like that. He knows how to get me but then I had to think about where we was and I was like I will try to wait until we get home and he saw my face and he know how I was feeling so all he did was smile and I asked him " what are you smiling for?" he was like oh nothing. Nothing at all baby in his sexy voice and he knows what that dose to me.

Ms. Jackson POV

Mrs.& Mr. Wilson is in the room and I saw that Mrs. Wilson was getting upset either because of who she saw or something and her whole mood changed as soon as Mr. Wilson demanded her to get her sexy self in the room and I was thinking in my head so I thought and I said " awwww I like this couple because it is like he don't cheat on her or nothing ." but got back into reality and then ask her has everything been gong ok. She says "she is has been going through something's ". I tell her that she needs to stop thinking about what ever it is so when she have the baby it will be a natural birth. She says " Ok she will stop thinking about what it is ."  So at that time I went and checked out how is the baby and she looks at her husband and then when she looks at the door I could tell that something or someone was making her mad.

keyshae POV

So I am at the doctors office and I see Ashley and Jay , I was like oh yeah they come here too ok I got this and they was like what the hell is she doing here? then I saw Jays face and that is when I blow him a kiss and he was looking at me like that is still not my baby. so then they went in the room and I got up and walked over to the door and that is when I saw there baby on the screen and then Ashley saw me a the door and as soon as Ashley saw me her face turn to happy to mad real quick. Her look was saying if she was not pregnant she would kick my ass. and I told her hahahah did you for get that i am pregnant to by your man ,he is going to pay me child support so after you have this baby you need to go back to work so you can help him pay this child support. with a smile on her face


I told keyshae to get tf outto here so she said she is not leavening until i say that that is my baby. i told her now you know that aint my baby and ten Ashley said baby just close the door. so i went to the door and close the door in her face and went back to my wife the only woman that i want to be with and ms. Jackson looked at me all confused and we both said it is a long story and she was like will i am done and we can talk about this if you want. So then we was like ok fine so Ashley was like i will let you tell the story. i told the doctor that before me and Ashley started dating. M and keyshae was just having sex nothing else and then when i started dating my wife that i when i tried to end things with her but she didn't want that so i just stop texting her and everything and now she comes up out of no where and tells me that she is pregnant and i am like ok what are you telling me for then she tells me that it is my baby, i am like that aint mines because when we had sex i used a condom and the last time we had sex was before i started dating Ashley and  anyway when i started messing with keyshae she was already pregnant by another man. 

What yall think is going to happen next ?

So how yall feel about keyshae?

if you have any questions or you just want to hit me up my kik is mz.candy1992.

thank you and love all of my readers.

vote, comment, share my story please and thank you. 


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