Chapter 12

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Ali-Nooh's POV:

I'm going to do it. I'm going to propose to Summer. It's too late to back out now, seeing as I've already knocked on the door. Musa opened it. I had my parent's permission because they don't care anyway.

Seriously though. I wanted to marry someone and my Mom literally waved it off with a
"Yeah do it, I'm sure she's alright." My Dad was more supportive and said

"Go on son Summer's a good one. Then maybe you can use her as motivation to start working with me eh?" He meant his whole illegal business but at least he cared a little more.

"Ali-Nooh, come in!" Musa  said, shaking my hand. I walked in.
"Do you want a drink?" He said. I shook my head.
"No, I need to speak to Uncle. About Summer." Musa nodded and went to go and get his Dad. Uncle Habib appeared seconds later and led me to his office.

"So, Ali-Nooh, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He said sitting down.
"Oh." He said his face going stony and his tone serious.

It made me nervous. I'm only 19 maybe I'm rushing this. Maybe he'll say no and ban me from seeing Summer ever again?

"Let me guess? You heard we're looking for a marriage. How did you hear we're yet to tell Summer, it's very low key." He said suspiciously.

"I didn't hear anything Uncle but I think I'm in love with your daughter and I don't want to get into any haraam or lead her on. I came for your consent to sort out our engagement."

I breathed a sigh of relief at Uncle's sudden warm smile.
"We can discuss more later but first I must ask Summer. If she says yes then we will get an engagement done as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much Uncle." Then worry overcame me and I gulped as I realised that Summer could do much better and she probably knows it.
"Oh and Ali, don't worry, I've seen the way she looks at you. I was hoping you'd ask."

Summer's POV:

Ali-Nooh proposed to me. He wants to marry me. He like-likes me. I know I like him a lot. Now, I just need confirmation this is the right thing. I prayed an extra prayer and made Istikharah  (in Islam you can pray for a dream to lead you to the right path in stressful times and big decisions) Then, I fell asleep.

Luckily, I received a dream as soon as fell asleep. It was us running up and down the stairs of a house and Ali was behind me. I was wearing a white dress. A wedding dress. It's the right thing. I'm going to marry him. I rushed downstairs.

"Dad!" I ran into his office.
"I say yes to Ali-Nooh." My Dad looked at me.
"Are you sure? I thought you needed until tomorrow?"
"Yes, I'm certain. I had a dream, I've decided now." He nodded and picked up the phone.

"There you go, Habibti, you're going to marry Ali Nooh! We'll have a engagement party in a week's time, okay? Also, Ali has requested for the wedding to be in a year, seeing as you're both still young. Still in school, I mean. You can get married after graduation." Dad explained. I agreed. That sounded perfect.

They're engaged! #sumali4life. Also, guys, don't worry, for the wedding or graduation , I'll simply be skipping and writing 1 year later. Don't forget to vote, comment amd share. Also 200 reads! Yay. Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora