Chapter 24

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Summer's POV:
3 months later

"Eat, this and... this." Mustard and coriander. Me and Ali are playing truth or dare and of course, I chose dare.
"Aliii, I thought you loved me." I complained.

"I do. But if you don't do this then it's a forfeit and I don't want that for you." He said pretending to be concerned.
I sighed. I mixed them together in a glass and swallowed it.
5 seconds later, I ran to the toilet and puked it all out. Ali held my hair back. A sweet, simple gesture I'll remember. Even if it's his fault I puked.

We sat on the window seat and watched the rainfall, again.
"Read to me." He mumbled when I started to touch his insanely soft hair.

"Read to me." I pulled out The Hunger Games and read to him. Eventually he sat up and actually listened.
"Would you volunteer for me? To fight other people to death? Would you die for me?" He asked. Without a second thought I nodded.
"Of course. Would you for me?"

"Yes, obviously." He said cupping my face in his hands.
"I love you, Summer."
"I love you too." He smirked and kissed me.

Ali-Nooh's POV:

"Let's bake!" Summer said.
"Okay," I said, getting up to join her.
"So, what we making Chef Monkey?"
"Brownies." We got to work.
"We should get a smoke machine." I said.

Summer's POV:

"For what?"
"4th of July." He said and shrugged. He's cute when he's stupid.
Then I gasped. We got married on the 14th of August. It was almost our 1-year-anniversary in a month or so.
"There is no smoke on the 4th of July, weirdo. But I get what you mean. Like this, right?"

Ali-Nooh's POV:

She teased and blew flour in my hair. I smiled and did the same to her until we were having a mini-flour-fight. Of course an egg or two was thrown in and then the brownies were finally made.

"I'm getting so fat." Summer said, poking her stomach. I poked her stomach too gently and she giggled. Why is her stomach hard?
"You're not." She rolled her eyes and put the TV on. We sat together and laughed.

Basically a big thing is coming up and I'll publish that chapter as soon as this chapter gets 3 votes. Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora