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I ignored Madison, I ignored my stepmother calling me as well as my dad.

I didn't need any of them right now. I wanna be alone.

I need my mum. Not my dad, not Nash, not Madison, not the evil bloody hell freezing witch.

I just needed my mum. So that's what I did. I grabbed money, my phone, and a couple outfits and went to a hotel.

"Hello, I'd like a suite for a couple nights please?"

"How many nights?" The lady asked smiling at me.

"Um let's say about 2-3 if I wanna stay more I'll let ya know." I grinned and handed her my money.

"Honey your a couple dollars short." She smiled.

"How much do I owe?"

"Just $50. But don't worry I'll cover it. You look like you've had a rough night. Er day." She said.

I nodded at her and took the key.

"Room 211 second floor." She informed and I nodded.

I went to grab my luggage but it was gone. I whipped around and she smiled.

"Already in the room. Enjoy your stay!" She smiled sweetly again.

I thanked her and took the elevator.

On my way up I saw Kate. Oh god! I hid behind the wall and she was heading towards the elevator.

Just to be mean I stepped inside and pressed random buttons then stepped out before she got in and his again.

I watched as she stood waiting and waiting. I hid my laughter quite well.

That's whatcha get biatch!

She finally huffed and went to the stairs mumbling under her breath.

I waved my fingers at her retreating figure and went to my room.

As soon as I stepped in I laid on the bed.

I pulled out my phone and called the only person on speed dial.


"Mum?" I sobbed when she picked up.

"Honey are you alright?!" That's when I broke down.


Waking up was a adventure. Me coming into the hotel totally slipped my mind.

This resulted into me throwing things and breaking down/freaking out.

In the end my face was tear streaked and I had to take a cab to school.

I leaned forward and handed the guy money. "Thank you." I signed.

He nodded and murmured your welcome.

I sighed and headed to school. I seen Chris and Ty and went up to them.

"Hey guys." I said leaning against the wall next to Chris.

"Oh my god where have you been!!!!" Chris screamed.

"Dude are you okay?" Ty asked shocked to see me.

"Yes why?"

"You went missing and your face has tear streaks everywhere." Chris said.

"Oh yeah I went to a hotel. I'm staying there for a couple days." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Why is everything okay?"

'Lie or truth?' I thought over in my head.

"I'm perfectly fine I just didn't wanna deal with the witch." Lie wins.

"Oh yeah we feel ya." Ty grinned. I felt a hand lock around my wrist and then I was being dragged.

I waved bye to the girls and started to dig my heels into the ground.

We went into a dark hallway and the person let go.

"What the hell dude!" I yelled.

"Why'd you disappear? Are you alright?" He asked softly.

I sighed and lowered my head. I couldn't lie to him. He was my first friend.

"Nash, I went to a hotel. Yesterday after lunch I just felt out of place. Like I just didn't feel welcomed here. So I grabbed money my phone clothes and went to a hotel."

He placed a hand on my face and rubbed his thumb against my cheek.

"Your face is covered in tears. What else happened?"

"I talked to my mum. I miss her so much. I thought I needed her. But really I just need someone to be there for me while I'm here so I can cry and they'll be there to comfort me. Not tell me everything is gonna be perfectly fine."

By now I was crying. He hugged me and I just broke down.

We sank down to the ground and sat there. He held me and let me cry.

I finally got control over myself and was just slowly breathing.

"I'll be here for you. Whenever you need me." He whispered and kissed my head

Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now