Ch 17

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Lunch was amazing and now we are at the doctors.

"She looks fine. She has a burning headache though. It's 103.9 she definitely needs rest. She's homesick for sure." The dr said.

He's one of those family doctors where everyone sees him.

"Alright, so I need to make sure she gets lots of rest and feels less homesick?" Nash asked.

"Yes. Give her soup and some of these pain meds." He said writing a doctors note then typing on his computer. "I just sent it over the note is for school and the pharmacies have the prescription." He finished.

We nodded. "Thank you Dr." I smiled as we left.

"Tell the family I said hi Nash!" He called.

"Will do!" He smiled then turned to me. "Off to wali world we go!" He grinned.

I laughed and went to the car.


"Hello?" My dad called when I came in."

"It's me dad!" I called then held my head in pain because of my yell.

"What're you doing home? You should be in school!" He scolded coming into the same room. He saw Nash and frowned a little. "Mr. Grier, hello! What an interesting surprise!" My dad faked. I knew Nash knew it was fake as well.

"Hello, your daughter looked I'll during lunch. So I took her out to lunch then the doctors. She has a 103.9 degree fever. So I got the meds he prescribed, one every 4 hours. He gave me a note which I have to the principle and he understood. So she has excused absences for however long she's gone." Nash informed.

Dad looked shocked. "Well um th-thank you. You're a lot nicer than people say. Excuse myself earlier, please come in. Thank you for helping my daughter. You two can go upstairs and I'll prepare soup for you. Nash I have work but watch over her for me will you? I'll call the school and tell them if you'd like?"

"Yea please? My mom would like that." He chuckled.

With that we headed to my room.

Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now