Ch 64

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I avoided Nash the whole day as if he had the cheese touch.

I felt bad obviously but I didn't know how to tell him.

But now it's lunch time. I slowly walked in and stepped in line. I smiled at the girl in front of me. She smiled back and ordered.

I stepped up just to be pulled. The way the person was pulling me I couldn't turn around.

Finally we stopped moving and I was against a wall. "What the hell!"

"Why have you been avoiding me!" Nash and I spoke at the same time.

"I I haven't." I coughed.

"Bull shit. Now wanna try again."

"You know how we went to that party Saturday?"

"Yes you got drunk wouldn't come with me which pissed me off so I left."

"I wasn't drunk. But then I got drunk after you left. The next morning I woke up in a guys arms." I whispered.

His eyes flared. "You cheated?" He asked so soft I barely heard.

"I swear I didn't mean to. I don't even remember." I pleaded. He slowly turned around. "Nash please stop." I begged getting in front of him. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back but he didn't move.

He shoved my hands off of him. "We're done." He whispered.

Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now