The Perks of Being Me

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Hi, I'm Alexandria Dillon. I go by Alex, Lex, Alexis, Alexa or even Ally. For those wondering: yes, Im Ricky Dillon's sister. He's only older than me by about a year or so. I don't really talk to him that much, though.
About two months ago I dropped out of college because I felt like it was a distraction from what I like to do. One month ago, Ricky got mad at me because I got angry with him and said that YouTube was a stupid thing to make a career out of. I regretted it right after. I said that hypocritically, seeing that I watch YouTube videos all the time, and even make some myself.
We still love each other to pieces, but we just went our separate ways for a while, I guess. Who knows whats going to happen next?

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now