The End

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I'm not going to explain what happened in detail because that would take way too long. But, here's a summary of what happened.
Connor and I decided to get married earlier, so we did. After we got married we had another little girl that we named Mya. She's now 6 and going into kindergarten. Tyler and Jessica are pretty much inseparable. Ricky found a girlfriend and they're getting married next week. Kian and Andrea got married as well, soon having a baby boy named Matthew. Jc recently found a girlfriend, and I really hope they get married. As for Tara, she died in a car crash about three years ago. It's not really a big deal to me anymore, to be honest. Sam got married to Mackenzie, and Trevor is dating a girl named Kari. Everything is pretty much going great.
"C'mon Mya! It's your first day of kindergarten! You should be excited!" Connor said, trying to calm the crying child.
"I don't wanna go!" She yelled, kicking him.
"Don't kick your father! That's my job" I told her. She laughed.
"C'mon hun. Amy is going to be there. She's your best friend" Connor stated.
"Yay!" Mya jumped, running to the bus with the rest of the kids.
"Bye guys! Have fun!" I waved to the three kids getting on the bus.
"There are no kids in the house"
"No there is not"
"You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yes I am"
Connor ran into the bedroom and grabbed the movie.
"Wow. We haven't watched this movie in so long" I stated.
"Eight years too long"
We both sat down and watched the movie together. Eight years ago, when we were first watching this movie together, was when I first fell in love with Connor Franta. Now, to my surprise as well as yours, I'm Alexandria Franta.
I nuzzled my head into his chest as he played around with my hair like we would always do when we were only dating. And I'm going to be really cheesy when I say this, but;
In that moment, I swear we were infinite.

~The End~

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