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There is going to be a lot of caps lock in this chapter so be prepared haha


|| Connor's Point Of View ||

This is it. My girlfriend is giving birth. To fricken twins.
The only downside is that her mom couldn't be here because she couldn't catch a flight until next week.
"GOD DAMMIT RICKY, DRIVE FASTER BEFORE I GIVE BIRTH IN THE BACK SEAT OF YOUR GOD DAMN CAR" Alexis screamed. She looked like she was about to kill one of us.
"I'm driving as fast as I can, just calm down" he responded.
"Don't worry, babe. We'll be there soon. It's right up the street" I said, squeezing her hand. Jc had her other hand.
"Ricky, hurry up before our hands fall off" I said.
"Okay okay! We're here! Just get her carefully out of the car. I'll grab one of those wheel chairs"
We lifted her out of the car and into the wheel chair, rushing her into the hospital.
"She's giving birth!" I yelled to the doctors ahead of us. Some doctors ran over and started to take Alexis into the room.
"Which one of you is the father?" One of them asked. I raised my hand and started walking with them.
"Wait! I want Jc with me too" Alexis said. Jc turned pale.
"Alright. Lets go" Jc said running in with us. We were all given robe things that we needed to put on. I just stood in front of the bed while Jc was on her left side, squeezing her hand. I think Canada could probably hear her screaming right now.
"It's going to be-"
"SHUT! UP!" She screamed.
"AGH! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! FUCK YOU! YOU SUCK!" She screamed at me. I just stood here, wide-eyed. Oh god, I might be sick.
"Okay! One down, one to go! Push!" Jc yelled to her. I felt bad just standing here and doing nothing, but I just couldn't move. I was in too much shock.
"THIS ONE IS NEVER COMING OOOUUT!" She screamed, louder than ever. Then, finally, it was over. Thank. God.
"Congratulations. You've got a baby girl and a baby boy. Do you have names?" A nurse explained.
Alexis said that if we had boys, I'd pick the names, and if we had girls, she'd pick the names. So I guess it's 50/50 now.
"Tyler-" I started, looking at her.
"-and Jessica" she finished.
The nurse wrote some stuff down and left the room.
"Are you okay babe?" I finally managed to say.
"Fuck. You" she said in between breaths.
"I love you too"
"Tyler and Jessica Franta" I whispered to myself, looking at my two kids for the first time. Well, clean and dressed at least.
"Tyler and Jessica Franta" I heard Alexis repeat. She walked up next to me and looked at them through the glass window. I was speechless.
"You loved me, right? This wasn't just an accident?" She asked all of the sudden.
"I loved you more than anything, and I still do. You're my everything. I wouldn't trade you for the world" I said, looking at her, "don't cry"
"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy. We gave life to these two amazing new additions to the world and-"
"Stop making me cry" I interrupted, a tear rolling down my cheek. Don't judge me.
"Just look at them. They're beautiful. They're ours" she said, resting her head on my shoulder.
"They are," I started, "Listen, I'm going to go step outside for a few minutes and get some air. Is that okay?"
"Yeah that's fine. Go ahead"

|| Alexandria's Point Of View ||

I just stood there, looking at my two beautiful children. I've never been happier in my life.
"I can't believe my baby sister just had babies" I heard Ricky say, coming up behind me.
"I can't believe it either. And let me tell you, it hurt like hell"
"Yeah. We all kinda heard you screaming. Jc thinks he lost the ability to hear in his left ear" he laughed. I did too.
"Sorry about that"
"My baby sister and my best friend just had babies. Well, I never saw that coming"
"Neither did I, Ricky. Neither did I"
"Looks like I can call you my brother now, technically" Connor said, walking in and patting Ricky on the back.
"Well, not really. Not unless we get married" I stated.
"Hey! Congratulations guys!" Kian said walking with everybody. All of our friends showed up too, so there were probably 35 or so people in the room at the moment.
"Oh thank god. You saved me from having to listen about marriage" Ricky said, walking over to everybody.
"They're getting married?!" Andrea yelled.
"No no no no no! Not yet! Too soon" Connor said. I have to admit, that kinda made me a bit sad.
Everybody was talking to each other, while I was still looking at Tyler and Jessica.
"Yeah. Too soon" I whispered to myself.
"What are their names?" Jenn asked.
"Tyler and Jessica" I answered, turning around and joining the conversation.
"Oh my gosh you named your child after me! I feel so loved!" Tyler squealed, clapping his hands together. We all laughed. I started to walk back to my hospital room.
"I'm gonna go get some rest. I'm gonna be here for a while"


Eh. I don't think this is that good but oh well
Enjoy this chapter
This is ending in the next 5 or so chapters, but I will be starting a new one directly after I finish this one because a lot of you want me to haha
Okey bye

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