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Okay, before you read this I would just like to tell you that Alexis and this mystery person do not kiss or anything bad. The highest they will go with each other is turning into mega best friends. So yeah, don't expect anything big


"What are you talking about?"
"My mom contacted me. She wants me to fly down in September and stay with her for a month"
"Doesn't she have a drug problem?"
"She went to rehab and she is fully recovered"
"Well, do you want to see her?"
"Actually, yes I do"
"Then I am perfectly fine with you going. But, how are you going to tell Ricky?"
"I don't know"
"Do you want me to help you with that?"
"Yes please. Thank you for being so supportive of this"
"No problem. Anyway, I need to talk to you"
"About what?"
"About us"
"What about us?"
"Well, now that Ricky has finally told you what happened, I was really hoping we could be together again. No more lying to each other"
"That'd be absolutely perfect"
Without any warning whatsoever, Connor just kissed me. I swear I felt sparks.
Yeah, yeah. That was super cheesy, I know. doNT JUDGE ME.
"You taste like cotton candy" he laughed.
"Uh- weird"
"But, seriously, you do"
"Probably because I just had cotton candy ice cream" I pointed to the jug of ice cream sitting on the side table. We both laughed and he kissed me again.
"PDA guys!"
"My eyes!"
We're many comments we heard all of the sudden.
"And you all decided to come back to our room because..?" I asked.
"Ohh, yay! We can all go on a double date now!" Kian said in a really girly voice, doing the gay wrist.
"That's not a bad idea" Andrea and I said at the same time. Everybody looked creeped out. What? We just said the same thing at the same time. No big deal.
Day 3, the final day of VidCon, went by super fast. It was pretty much just meeting fans and doing these cool activities afterwards with a bunch of cool YouTubers. I met Josh Chomik and Josh Sobo and practically diED.
I also practically died when I found out that they are going to be at the pool party because our friend Ryan Abe invited them along with the rest of his collab channel, A.K.A Jonah Green, Joey Gatto and the Buongiovanni twins.
Today we went to Disney. Nothing big happened there that I have to explain. Well, except for the part where we were all on the Ferris wheel and it decided to break and Connor and I were the ones with the cart all the way at the top. I was terrified and we were stuck up there for two hours. Two. Hours. I hate heights! It was fricken scary!
Anyway, now we are all at Sam's dad's house. By we I mean Me, Connor, Ricky, Sam, Jc, Trevor, Kian, Jack, Andrea, Jenn, Alexa, Rebecca, Andrew, Tara and Ryan. O2L and I are staying here for three days while Sam's dad is away. We were all tired so we all went back to Sam's to just chill for a bit.
I guess I fell asleep because I opened my eyes and nobody was in the room anymore. There was a sticky note stuck to my forehead that read; "We went out for the rest of the night. Have fun! ~Ricky"
Oh, thanks Ricky.
I got up and almost tripped over something. Or, should I say, someone.
"Jesus Christ, Sam! Oh, wait. You're sleeping. Nevermind"
Me being me walked into the kitchen and looked for some food. Nice, Alexis. You've barely been there for three hours and you're already eating their food.
"I see you're hungry" Sam randomly said, making me jump.
"Um- yeah"
"Want to go to Taco Bell?"
We went to Taco Bell and Starbucks and even stopped by Urban Outfitters. We've never really fully met each other, so we talked most of the time.
"So you're dating Connor?" He asked.
"Yes I am. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Yes I do. Her name is Mackenzie. I love her to pieces"
"Aww that's so cute. You seem like a really nice guy. She's lucky. Nice guys like you are rare. There are a lot of douches in the world"
"Yeah. I hate it. I don't understand how guys could even think about treating a girl like trash"
"If any guy treated me like trash I would kick them where the sun don't shine" I laughed.
"You're actually a pretty cool person"
"Anyway, Kian just texted me. They should be home soon. We've been out for two hours now. Wow"
"Wow. It seems like we've only been out for about thirty minutes"
"I know right?"


•Alexis finally tells Ricky about her mom. What does he say?
•Alexis and Connor go on their first official date by themselves
•Who do they bump into on their date?
Find out tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday because I'm too lazy and tired to write anymore today okay bye

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