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Connor slammed the door shut and locked it as well, throwing himself on the bed soon after.

"What did he say?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"He just didn't like the fact that I got you pregnant so young. He also doesn't trust me with a child because he thinks I act too much like one myself"

"You do, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I don't want you to be one of those dads who is so strict towards their kid. I want you to be one who isn't afraid to be just as childish as the child itself" I laughed.

"Ricky thinks-"

"Who cares what Ricky thinks! This isn't his kid. It's ours"

"Good point"

"Anyway, do you think we should tell all the fans about this?'

"It's Sunday, so lets make my main channel video. We are going to tell everybody about our new addition, okay?"



Weeks went by and Connor and I were at the doctors to see if the baby is healthy, and to get out first ultrasound. I was really nervous. I really just wanted to get out of here.

"Your babies are very healthy, Miss Dillon. Congratulations" the doctor stated.

"See? Nothing to worry about. Lets go" I said, walking away, Connor following behind.

"Did you say babies?" He said, peeking his head back into the room.

"Did she say babies?" I said, doing the same.

"Yes I did. Congratulations, you're having twins!"

|| Connor's Point Of View ||

"Did you hear that, Connor? We're having twins!" Alexis screeched. She walked out of the room with the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah. I guess we are" I said. I slowly walked over to the small bed thingy and sat down.

"Mr. Franta? Are you okay?" The nurse asked me.

"We're having twins," I started, smiling, "and I couldn't be more happy about it"

"Here's the ultrasound. Now, if I were you, I would take Alexandria out to dinner and celebrate"

"We haven't really had the best luck with that in the past" I laughed.


|| Alexandria's Point of View ||

Twins. Connor and I are having twins. I mean, I'm super happy about it, yet I'm also very scared. Connor and I are taking care of two lives, along with our own.

"Hey, do you want to go out to dinner? Finish that date we were supposed to have weeks ago?" Connor asked, walking out of the doctors office. I smiled.

"Sounds great"


"No- I don't think they'd have cotton candy ice cream, but I'll get you some on the way home" Connor laughed. Even though Connor was all happy and smiley, his eyes were filled with different emotions.

"Connor, are you okay?"


"Stop lying. I know you're not okay"


"Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress interrupted.

"Uh- yeah" I said, ordering my food, Connor ordering his soon after. The waitress wrote everything down and finally left.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked Connor, who was playing with his straw.

"Can we talk about this later? You know, when there aren't so many people around us"

"Um- yeah. Why? Is it bad?"

"No! It's not bad at all, don't worry. I'd just rather talk in private"


"Okay, so what did you need to tell me?" I asked, as soon as we got back home. Everybody was at the grove right now, so we were by ourselves.

"Well, I was supposed to fly down to Minnesota tomorrow to see my family, and then we were going to Hawaii for a week or so, but I don't know if I should go"

"Why not?"

"Because I want to stay here and take care of you"

"No. You aren't passing on family time just so you can be with me. I can take care of myself, and I'll have my brother and all my friends here if I need any help with anything"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm one hundred percent sure. Do your parents even know about this? You know- me being pregnant and all?"

"Yeah. They weren't too peachy about it"

"Neither were mine, but they said that they can always come down here whenever to baby sit the kids because 'We're still twenty and have to live our life while we still can'"

"I can't argue with that" he laughed.

"Now get packing. You're going home tomorrow"



I'm ending this within the next 10ish chapters maybe.

If I wrote another fanfic, would you guys read it? It'd still be O2L, but it probably wouldn't be Connor. It'd probably be like a Sam or Kian one. Maybe both, I don't know. But, comment down below if you guys would read it. Okay bye

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