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Connor set up the camera so it showed the both of us standing behind my kitchen counter.

"Hey what's up you guys, it's Connor" he started, waving to the camera.

"Hi, I'm Lexa" I also waved.

"Before we start this video, I would like to tell you that Lexa over here is my friend Ricky Dillon's sister, and she is also my girlfriend as-of yesterday"

"Don't worry guys, I won't hurt your 'husband'" we laughed.

"She's amazing and she makes me happy so I hope you guys are alright with her. Anyway, lets start the video! Lexa and I are doing a guy vs. girl competition" he started.

"For the challenge, we are each going to bake a dozen cookies as best as we can and Ricky is going to be our taste-tester" I explained.

"Hi!" Ricky said, popping up behind us.

"Lets do this shit!"

"Ready, set, go!" Ricky yelled. We started both our timers and started finding our ingredients and throwing them together in our bowls.

"Are you ready to lose?" Connor asked, a bit confident with himself. Ricky and I laughed.

"I hope you realize that Lexa went to cooking school all through the end of high-school until about a year ago" Ricky explained.

"That's not fair! She should be disqualified!" Connor joked. I threw flour at him, hoping he would shut up. But seriously, we all knew how this was going to turn out.

"Oh no you didn't" he threw flour back at me, but I ducked, and the flour ended up hitting Ricky.

"Oh yes I di- Ricky!" I yelled after an egg was just cracked on top of my head from behind.

"Oops" he said all innocently. That started a full-out war.


"Dude, we better've gotten that on camera" I said after World War III had ended. Wait, did I just say 'dude'?

"We did" Connor said, pointing to the little light on his camera.

"Well that was interesting" Ricky said. We all looked at each other and laughed. We had egg, flour, icing and sprinkles all over us.

"Well, this happened'' Connor said to his camera, "so I guess neither of us won"

"Oh well, sucks for us"

"If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up. You can follow me on twitter, tumblr, instagram, you can also check out Lexa's channel and Ricky's channel, all the links will be down below blah blah blah. But, other than that, I'm gonna go!"

All of us started talking super fast in a high-pitched voice, ending the video.

We all cleaned up, Connor and I made the video for my channel, and then him, Ricky and I all watched a movie until Tara came home from dropping off her boyfriend at the airport.

Today was a pretty interesting day if I do say so myself. And tomorrow will probably be even better.

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu