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Okay, here's this chapter
Sorry for the huge mess up


"Get up, Alexis!" I heard Connor yell from downstairs.
"I don't wanna!" I yelled back. I heard him start running up the stairs. I opened my eyes and saw him standing at the doorway with his arms crossed.
"It's 9:00 and Rebecca, Alexa and Andrew are already here. We have to get ready for the party before Ryan and the rest of SDK get here" he explained. I moaned and mumbled "go away", covering my face with the blanket.
"Fine," he started, "if you won't get up, I'll have to get you up"
I move the blanket from my face and look at him.
"What are you gonna-"
Before I could finish my sentence, he ran and jumped on the bed. He landed beside me and started tickling me. He refused to stop until I got up. I managed to roll off the bed and onto the floor, but he followed right behind me. I finally managed to stop laughing, but five seconds later Connor got on top of me and started tickling me again.
"Connor stop!!" I managed to yell. He still didn't stop.
"What are you two doing up there?!" Jc yelled. He ran up the steps and into the room.
"Oh, well I'll leave you alone then" he smirks. I covered my face.
"No!" I laughed, moving Connor and getting up. I went down stairs and Connor followed me. We both went into the kitchen where everybody was. And I mean everybody. Ryan, the rest of SDK and Josh Chomik all showed up already.
"Well, well, well. Look who's up" Ricky said. I smiled.
Connor came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It didn't take much" Connor said, kissing my cheek.
"That's not what it looked like to me!" Jc laughed. I turned around and hit him in the arm. He laughed.
"Well, lets get this pool party started!" Kian yelled.
"Oh boy, this is going to be fun"
"Are you sure your eye is okay? I don't want you to hurt it" I said, examining Connor's black eye.
"Its fine. I promise" he said, kissing me seconds later.
"Now go have fun with everybody while they're all here"
"Fine" I kissed him one more time and ran off to where Tara was.
"So, I see you've made some new friends" I said, gesturing to the two Joshes standing in front of us.
"Yes I have"
"Hi, Im Alexis" I introduced.
"Hey" they both said.
We all just talked for a little while. I was freaking out inside because, you know, I was talking to fricken Josh Chomik and Josh Sobo. My two favorite YouTubers.
"Hey, Alexis. C'mere for a minute" someone called. I turned around and saw Andrea.
"Yeah?" We walked into a room where nobody was.
"Do you wanna help me with something?"
"With what?"
"Okay, so, Jenn, Rebecca, Alexa and I were thinking about silly-stringing the boys' apartment. Do you wanna join us?"
"Yeah. That sounds like fun"
"Oh! I have an idea. Come with me"
We ran into the kitchen and grabbed whipped cream because shaving cream felt too plain. Andrea put some in both of our hands and took out her phone.
"Smack cam. Boyfriend edition" she said to the phone. We then snuck up behind Kian and Connor, who were talking by the pool, and threw the whipped cream in their faces.
"What the hell was that for?" Kian asked.
"I don't know. We just felt like doing it" Andrea explained.
"At least our faces taste yummy now" Connor said.
I wrapped my arms around Connor's neck.
"I bet does"
"Well, lets see then"
Even though there were many people around, we still kissed.
"PDA!" Kian yelled, shoving us into the pool.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"Payback, bitch"
"What did I do?" Connor asked.
"You did something"
"Oh. Well that explains everything" Connor responded sarcastically.
"Do your kissin' on your own time. You're makin' us all feel like loners" Andrew (Lowe) stated.
"Oh, shut up Andrew"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now