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"Hey, do you mind if I go to Troye's house for the day to do a collab?" Connor asked.
"Yeah that's fine. You don't have to ask me just go" I stated.
"Well, you're eight months pregnant now. I don't want you to be alone"
"Jc is here with me"
"Alright. Just don't kill him. You've already kicked my twice"
"Im sorry I cant control it! And I wont kill him. Tell Troye I said hi"
"Alright, bye babe"
"See ya"
I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Jc walked in and sat down next to me. We just sat there and watched TV for about ten minutes until I spoke up.
"Thank you"
"For what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"For dealing with me for the past six months. I feel bad that you haven't had that much of a social life just because of me"
"I told you. I would be by your side no matter what I have to miss"
We were silent for a few more minutes until he decided to break the silence this time.
"I just can't believe you're having babies," he started, "you know, about a year ago, when I first met you, I thought it was love at first sight. We had so much in common. I really thought it would work out, but I guess not" he let out a slight laugh.
"I liked you too for a period of time. Stuff happens for a reason. Maybe we weren't 'meant to be'" I added.
"I'm just glad that I'm your best friend. I mean, I am your best friend, right?"
"Yeah. You are. You seem to know me more than Tara does. Don't tell her I said that" I laughed.
"It's true. I know that you're allergic to Penicillin, your favorite color is sea green, you can't have that pizza that you get in boxes at the grocery store, you only eat pasta if its the shell kind, you hate mint, you love it when guys play with your hair, you love blue eyes even though Connor has green eyes, and much much more"
"Wow-" I started, "-I can't believe you remember all of that"
"That's why I'm your best friend"
"When's the baby due again?" Kian asked.
"Next week" I explained.
We all piled into the car and drove down to The Grove. Ha that rhymed. Anyway, O2L wanted to have a little meet and greet thing, and they wouldn't let me stay home alone so they made me come. Once we arrived to The Grove, there were already about one hundred girls there. Oh god. The guys couldn't even step out of their cars without being surrounded. Oh, the YouTube life.
We managed to get out of the car, but as soon as we did there were already security guards pushing away all the girls, and some boys. We had to be escorted past everybody and to this little spot with space for us. The security probably noticed that I was pregnant because there were more guards surrounding me that the six boys currently being mauled by teenage girls.
About an hour past and some girls started leaving because it was getting dark. I looked over at all the boys, wide-eyed.
"Yeah?" They all asked in unison.
"My water just broke"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now