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Tara and I walked into the mall, immediately going to grab food. We ran right to Panda Express.

"Excuse me miss, do you know where the bathroom is?" Someone asked with an obviously fake deep voice, wrapping their arms around my waist. Freaked out, I quickly turned around to slap the guy but stopped when I realized who it was. It was my boyfriend. Timmy.
Tara hated him. I wouldn't blame her. I hate her boyfriend just as much. But we don't let it get in the way of our friendship. Hoes before bros. Yes, I know what I said.

The only reason she hates my boyfriend is because he is one of those people who has their own little band and has piercings and tattoos. I don't like her boyfriend because he's broken her heart multiple times without even second guessing anything. She keeps going back to him, and I try to help her and let her know she deserves so much better. She just doesn't listen. (I've been trying to get her and Ricky to date for years now. He likes her, she likes him. They just don't want to admit it.)

"Hello Timmy," Tara tried saying as nice as she could, but failing miserably.

"Tara," he said blankly.

"Yo, dude! What are you doing? Lets go!" Timmy's friend, Daniel yelled from across the food court.

"I've gotta go, love you. See you tonight," he quickly kissed me and then ran off with his friends.

"What's tonight?" Tara asked.

"Well, Timmy did a cover of Here's To Never Growing Up with his friends and they're filming the video tonight. They're having a huge roof top party thing and he invited me," I explained

Tara rolled her eyes.

"He also said I can bring someone," I sang, turning on my heel and starting to walk away slowly.

"I'll come!" She started, "only if I can bring Andrew."

"Fine, bring your stupid boyfriend."

"Why do you hate him so much?"

"Because he's broken your heart so many times! I wouldn't be surprised if he pushed you off the roof and broke your everything!"

"Well your boyfriend almost did push you off a roof and break your everything. Lets just go find Ricky," she stated. I frowned, following her.


"Hey Lex. What are you doing here?" Ricky asked as I walked up to him. I had to push through about 100 people to be able to reach where he was standing. A bunch of the girls were glaring at Tara and I, probably not knowing who we were.

"How come you get to just waltz up there!?" A girl yelled.

"I'm his sister, calm the fuck down!" I yelled out to them.

"And I'm just his friend no more than that," Tara added.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Ricky asked. He told us to hang on as he took a picture with a fan and had a small conversation with her before she went back to the crowd.

"I wanted to go shopping and I just decided to-" I was interrupted by a girly screech.

"Oh my god! You're Alexandria Dillon!" A crying girl came running up to me. I didn't know how to react at first.

"Oh my gosh, don't cry! Why are you crying?" I walked over to the shaky girl.

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to you! Your videos are amazing! Is Tara with you?" She asked. I smiled, waving Tara over. The girl looked like she was about to faint.

I looked at her outfit. Her hair was in a side bun with her side bang in a French braid and she was wearing denim high-wasted shorts with an infinity sign shirt and white converse. That's one of my summer outfits I put together in my Get Ready With Me For Less video.

"I've watched every single one of your videos! I'm wearing your summer outfit right now!" She smiled.

I laughed. "I can see that! That's really cool! Tara, I think we found our biggest fan!"

"Can you sign my phone case and take a picture?" She asked, handing me her phone case. It had my channel logo on it. I signed it and handed it back to her. We took a picture and after a hug she ran back to her mom who was waiting in a shop.

"Wow Lex! Your first crying fan!" Ricky cheered, walking next to me.

"Wait, where did everybody go?" I asked, turning around and seeing nobody.

"While you were busy with your fan, security came over and told them that they had to leave or I would get arrested, so yeah. Luckily I got to take a picture with everybody. I think... I hope."

"Wait, weren't you guys like not talking?" Tara asked blankly, looking between the two of us.

"While you were on vacation with your boyfriend we made up and started talking again," Ricky explained.

"Oh. Well I'm going to go down to Old Navy. I'll meet you guys at the food court at 3, okay?" Tara asked, starting to walk away.

"Okay see ya," I looked at Ricky and smiled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked.

"Harassing strangers vlogception!" We said at the same time.

"You are so my sister," he said, taking out his vlogging camera as I took out mine.

"I know. Now, lets go harass some strangers!"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt