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We paused the movie half-way through. I could tell Connor really wanted to talk, but not want to interrupt the movie.

"Oh my gosh, I still can't believe Patrick kissed Charlie! That was so unexpected!" Connor blurted out.

"I know right! But it's so cute!" I smiled.

"S'Cute," he squinted his eyes, smiled and did the gay wrist. I had to admit that was adorable.

"Emma Watson makes this movie perfect," I stated.

"Totally. She's a great actress," Connor agreed.

"How annoying do you think it must be for her to talk in an American accent the whole time?"

"Probably pretty annoying," he shrugged.

I yawned. "Yeah, probably."

"Here, I'll go grab a blanket. We'll finish the movie and then you can just chill on the couch tonight. I doubt the guys will mind," Connor offered, getting up. He walked into a room and returned a few seconds later with a puffy blanket.

"Thanks," I smiled as he sat back down next to me.

"No problem," he smiled back. "I'm in the mood for ice cream. Be right back," he stated, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, do you have any idea where Jc and Ricky went?" I asked.

"Weird you mentioned that because there is a note taped to the fridge. 'Went to go get food and see a midnight movie. Be home around 3ish -Ricky&Jc'."

"Well, we still have about another hour or two until they get home. Lets finish this movie," Connor said, plopping down next to me again with ice cream.

"Lets do it!" I smiled, grabbing a spoon from his hand.


"Guys. Guys. Guys!" Someone started yelling. I moaned. I didn't bother to care about who it was. Too. Tired.

"Guys. It's like one in the afternoon. Are you going to get up yet?" I heard someone from the male gender ask. He had a lisp.


I felt something move from under me and got very confused. And kind of scared.

"Well, good morning to you too," another voice muttered sarcastically.

"What?" I mumbled sitting up.

"Well, you two looked like you slept well," another person said, snickering.

"How many people are in this apartment right now?" I groaned.

I didn't realize that I actually said that out loud until yet another voice answered; "about seven."

I wiped the crust off my eyes, finally being able to see all of O2L, minus Connor, standing in front of me. Connor had just walked into the bathroom after he had gotten up from the couch. I put two and two together and realized he was the moving thing that scared me earlier.

"So..." Trevor started.

"What happened last night?" Kian asked, smirking.

"I don't really remember. I just remember watching a movie with Connor, then I guess I just fell asleep in the middle of it," I shrugged, wrapping the blanket around me.

"Are you sure?" He continued smirking.

"I'm pretty positive, why?"

"Well, you are wearing his shirt, and then this happened," Kian stated, showing me a picture that was pulled up on his phone. Connor was laying down flat on the couch with the foot-rest up and stuff, with my head nuzzled in his chest and his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I do not remember that happening," I stated. I did. I just didn't want to answer anymore questions.
It was towards the end of the movie and I got really upset, like I always do when I watch this movie, and I cuddled into Connor as he put his arm around me to comfort me, and then I fell asleep moments later.

"Wait, let me see that," Connor started, taking Kian's phone and looking at the picture, "I don't remember that happening either." He remembered. He just had the same idea as me. No more questions.

"Well, it happened," Jc stated, looking annoyed.

"We all got it on camera. Its on video and we may or may not have posted it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram," Sam added. Fantastic... or should I say, Frantastic. HA *knee slap*.

"Do you know how many different stories people can get from that one picture?" I laughed. Connor sighed.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?"


Present Me (Post-Editing):
WOW this story is so weird to edit because 1) Connor is gay so none of this is realistic (but honestly fanfictions are never realistic) and 2) I was such a horrible writer oh my god
Ok have a nice day, I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for reading

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