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"So? Are you excited or what?" Connor asked.
"Very! This is my first ever YouTube event that I've been to"
"I don't know why you didn't go to TeenHoot with all of us last week" Jc added.
"I was sick. Would you rather me puke on all of your precious fans?"
"The sass is real"
"Well, she is my sister" Ricky added.
"Trevor, Sam, Kian, Andrea, Jenn, Rebecca and Alexa Losey should be here any minute" Jc stated.
"I've always wanted to meet Rebecca Black" I said.
"Yeah, I know. You said that about 20 times already"
"Okay!" Connor started, "so this is our schedule. We are doing almost exactly what we are doing last year. Day 1 we are checking into the hotel and going to a District Lines party. Day 2&3 we are meeting our fans in this huge area place, day 4 we are all going to Disney Land. Day 5 we are staying at Sam's and making a music video. and day 6 we are having a meet up, and day 7 we are having a huge pool party at Sam's with everybody" Connor explained.

"Hey, Lexa, is there a reason that you're wearing a sweater in the middle of the Summer?" Ricky asked.

"I was cold, don't judge me. I'm just getting over a fever"

Sam, Kian, Jack, Rebecca, Alexa and Trevor all showed up. We literally had five minutes to get to VidCon and nobody knows where Andrea and Jenn are.

"We're here! We're here!" Andrea and Jenn yelled, running towards the cars.

"We're also late! Let's go!" Kian hurried.

"We got locked out of our apartment and we had to get our passes" Jenn explained.

"Let's go! We're late for check-in" Ricky yelled from the car next to us. Connor was driving Ricky's car and Rebecca, Alexa, Andrea and I all rode in it while Kian took Ricky, Sam, Trevor, Andrea, Tara and Jack.


"Okay, so Sam, Kian and Trevor are rooming together, Connor, Jc and I are rooming together, Andrea. Alexa, Rebecca and Jenn are rooming together and Jack is stuck with Tara and Lexa. Sorry Jack" Ricky stated after we all checked in and got our room keys.

"Seriously?" Jack complained.

"Oh, don't worry. We don't bite. Tara is probably going to go off on her own with Ricky or something and I'm probably going to go to Starbucks and then come back and sit on the Internet all day until the party" I said.

"Ricky, your sister is awesome"

"I know. right?" Connor and Jc agreed simultaneously.

"Let's go get some Starbucks then, Jack"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now