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"C'mon guys we have to go in ten minutes!" Tara yelled, shaking Jack and I awake.
"Well, shit" I said, rushing up and rummaging through my suitcase. Apparently it was supposed to be 73 and windy today, because that's totally normal for mid-summer. I grabbed a pair of my high-wasted jeans, yes those exist, and a black crop tank top thing and my long white fly away cardigan. Tara had already left with Ricky and everybody, leaving Jack and I having to go to Vidcon on our own. Without a car.
Well, thanks Tara.
"So, are you excited to perform?" Jack asked.
"Shit! I forgot about that! I might just pass out on stage"
He just laughed.
"Anyway," he started, "what are you guys even going to sing?"
"Well, he is going to sing his new song, Someone, and then he's going to sing one or two more songs. Then I'm going up there and he wanted to sing an acoustic-like version of We Can't Stop and then we were going to sing Don't Speak. Then the stage is all his the rest of the night"
"Tara told me that you have a date with Dan Howell-"
"It's not a date!"
"Okay, okay! Gosh"
"Don't you gosh me"
"I'll make a mental note to stay away from you at certain times"
"Oh, shut up"
I walked in the door and immediately bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're- oh, hey Connor"
"Hi- um- well- I've got to go. See ya" and with that he ran away.
"Well, bye. I guess"
I slumped down in a random chair I found and just sat there, until I was interrupted by Trevor.
"Listen, I know you loved Connor. I could see it. I don't know why he broke up with you, but I do know that you two were the cutest couple I've ever seen"
"Well, you're probably never going to see us like that again"
"I have an idea"
"When I say Connor, what comes to your mind?"
"A person who knows me better than anybody else. Even my own family. Someone who I shared everything with. Laughter, pain, happiness, tears"
"Do you know the song Against All Odds?"
"Yeah, that's probably one of my top five favorite songs"
"Well, you're going to sing it"

|| Connor's Point Of View ||

I was sitting with all the guys, talking and watching Trevor perform, until something caught my attention. I saw Alexis. Only, she was with Dan.

Trevor finished his second song and called her up to the stage. Alexis walked up to the mic and just stood there. She was looking right at me for a minute as Trevor was talking to the people and the music was being prepared for her surprise-solo. She was probably going to blast out a song like "Gives You Hell" or something, directing it to me, so I just took out my phone and scrolled through Twitter,
ignoring her stare.
When she started singing, the lyrics caught my attention.
"How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace. When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh
You're the only one who really knew me at all"
I looked up at her and she was
"I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you,
so many reasons why-" and she just stopped and rested her forehead on the mic that was sitting in its stand. "-I'm sorry" she choked, running off the stage and outside.
"Dude, what the fuck are you doing? Go talk to her!" Sam yelled at me.
"But, I don't-"
"Go!" Literally everybody yelled.
"Okay, okay!" I got up and started running towards the door. I walked outside to see her curled up in a ball, sitting back against a wall. Dan was sitting next to her with his arm around her.
"Um- I'm going to go back inside" Dan said once he noticed my presence.
"What do you want?" She asked sternly.
"I came to apologize but I guess your new boyfriend beat me to it"
"He isn't my boyfriend you fucking idiot!" She shot up.
"Then why was his arm around you?"
"Because he was trying to comfort me! Unlike you who needed a whole group of people to get you to come out here!"
"Well, even if you were dating him, I wouldn't want you to. He lives in London. He can always cheat on you at anytime"
"We aren't dating. Anyway, you can't tell me what to do anymore. If I want to date Dan, or anyone for that matter, I can. It stopped being your business when you broke up with me"
"I still care about you"
"Just go back inside. I'm leaving"
"Alexis, wait" I grabbed her wrist.
"What more could you possibly want?"
"For you to just listen"
"I'm sorry. I- I guess I don't want you to date anyone yet is because.." I stopped.
"Because what?"
"Because I still love you"
"Do you actually mean it this time?"
"I actually mean it this time"
"Well, I don't think I can trust you anymore"
"I'm kidding!" She laughed.
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry" she was still laughing, making me laugh along with her.
"How about this. We start all over again. We won't rush into anything this time. We'll have our occasional dates, but we'll still hang out as friends too. Alright?"
I started to lean in for a kiss, and she did too, but we both rethought everything and quickly pulled our heads back. We ended up just hugging it out and laughing like idiots.
"Ah, I see you guys made up" Someone said, making us jump.
"Can you not, Ricky?"
"Sorry" he laughed.
"So what do we do now?" Alexis asked.
"How about you get back on that stage, and sing your heart out"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now