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"So what did you and Sammers do all night?" Ricky asked.
"We just went to Taco Bell and stuff"
"Hey- can Connor and I talk to you for a minute. Privately?"
"Um- yeah. Sure"
We walked upstairs and found a room that nobody was in. Turns out Jack, Andrea and Jenn are staying here too so now half of us are sleeping on the floor downstairs.
"What did you want to tell me?" He asked.
"I'm going to see my mom in September"
"You're going home? Do you want me to come with you?"
"Not our mom, Ricky. My mom"
"You mean the person who left you in a bar in a purse?"
"Ricky, I think it's a good idea. Her mom has been to rehab and has been fully recovered" Connor added.
"She works as a preschool teacher too. She wouldn't do that if she was still an alcoholic"
"I don't want you to go. It isn't safe" Ricky argued.
"I'll be fine, Ricky. If anything happens I'll call you or Connor or mom or Tara or something"
He sighed. "You promise?"
"I promise"
"Then fine. You can go"
"Thank you!" I hugged him.
"Just call me every day, okay? I won't sleep until you call me"
"I'm not leaving tomorrow, stop worrying to much"
"How long are you going to be there?"
"All of September"
"Okay. You just have as much fun as you can when you go, okay?"
The next day we decided it would be fun to make a music video to "Smile" by Avril Lavigne. It was so much fun to film. The only down side was that I had wear a wig and some leather pants. It was very uncomfortable.
"Hey, Alexis?" Connor asked, coming up behind me.
"Do you want to go on a date? Like, a real one? By ourselves?"
"Yeah. I don't see why not"
"If you think about it, we never actually went on a real date"
"Yeah, our friends are always there with us"
"This is going to be fun"
"Yes it is. Now, I'm going to get out of this wig and these leather pants, and we will go on our date"
"So, where are we going?"
"Well, I was thinking that we can go to Crave, and then we can go get frozen yogurt"
"That sounds perfect"
"Alright, then lets go!"
We drove down to Crave and ordered our food. We were in the middle of talking when we were interrupted.
"What are you doing here, Timmy. I thought you were on tour"
"We have a show here tonight. Who is this" Timmy pointed to Connor.
"I'm Connor" he introduced, sticking his hand out.
"He's my boyfriend" I explained.
"That's your boyfriend?" He laughed, "Why would you date a pussy like him?"
"Shut up" I started getting angry.
"Oh c'mon, Alexa! You don't love him"
"As a matter of fact, I do. I love him more than I ever loved you"
"You keep thinking that"
"Just go away!"
"Alexis calm down" Connor said. People were staring now.
"No, I will not calm down until this douche bag leaves" I pointed at Timmy.
"What did you just call me?"
I stood up angrily, about to punch him in the face.
"I called you a douche bag"
It wasn't seconds before his hand connected with my face.
"Don't you dare hit my girlfriend!" Connor yelled.
"I can do whatever the fuck I wan-" Timmy was interrupted by Connor punching him in the face. Seconds later Timmy hit back. They were now tackling each other on the floor.
"Stop it!" I kept yelling.
"Hey! Hey, get off each other!" A police officer, who was apparently passing by, said, running in and pulling Connor and Timmy apart.
"Why were you two fighting?" The police officer yelled.
"This douche hit my girlfriend!" Connor explained. The police officer saw the bruise that had formed on my cheek.
"You. Come with we," he started, grabbing the collar of Timmy's shirt, "you two get going home" he finished. He took Timmy to his police car. Connor grabbed my wrist and started running back to the car.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I just want to get you back to Sam's"
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm just gonna go for a walk. Don't worry about me"
"How am I not supposed to worry about you after you just got beaten half to death?"
The rest of the ride was silent. Once we parked in the drive way and got out of the car, I grabbed Connors hand and looked at him.
"We are going to go inside and I'm going to clean you up. Then we are gonna just go to bed. Okay?"
He sighed, "Alright"


Sorry for the drama haha. I had an idea and I kinda needed this to happen. So yeah.
I don't know why I always wait to update until like 1am.. Ill update early tomorrow I promise. Only because I'm a nice person. Okay bye.

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