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We pretty much ran around the mall, going into random stores and annoying the crap out of multiple people while vlogging the whole time. It was pretty fun. We almost got kicked out three times, so we finally decided to stop.

"Don't you have to get to the video shoot?" Ricky mentioned. I looked at my watch and it was already 6.

"Shit! Where's Tara!? We were supposed to meet her at 3!"

"I'm right here lets go!" I was soon being pulled through Macy's and into the parking lot where our car was.


"You're late! Where were you?" Timmy asked when we finally ran up to the rooftop.

"Sorry! We were at the mall and we got caught up with some stuff," I apologized, hoping he wasn't drunk yet...

"Well, lets start! Here take a sparkler," he handed each of us a sparkler and he grabbed his guitar and started the video.

A few hours later, we finished filming and I think the video ended up great. ((A/N: I'll put the video in the sidebar))

Tara and I were now just awkwardly sitting on the roof top while everybody was dancing around, drunk.

"No Andrew today?" I asked her.

"No. He said he had family stuff," she explained. Family stuff. Right.

I got up, walked over to Timmy and tried to take away his drink because I swear he's had about 11 by now.

"Give me your drink, Timmy! This isn't safe" I tried pulling the drink out if his hand. I was horrified. This never turns out well.

"What are you doing?" He said angrily. The slur in his voice and the fact that he could barely stand told me that he was definitely drunk. Why wouldn't he be? I just said he had like 11 drinks. Wow, Alexis. Wow.

"Drinking this much isn't safe!" I tried taking the drink away again but he just pulled it away from me.

"Stop it!"

"Stop drinking, Timmy! You can get hurt!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"I'm just trying to he-" I was interrupted to his hand connecting to my face. I just looked at him as he glared at me. This has happened multiple times before. He drinks a lot... I tried to leave any upcoming drama and started to walk away.

"You're such a fucking bitch Alexandria!" he yelled. I stopped dead in my tracks. I hated being called that and the only people who know why are Timmy and Ricky.

"You know what? I don't think I can handle this anymore!" I yelled, turning towards him with my arms crossed.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked.

"I guess I am!"



"I don't need you anyway!"

"I don't need you either!" And I ran.

"Alexis! Wait!" Tara yelled, running after me.


"Hey, Lexa?" Ricky asked me. We had just dropped Tara home so now we were alone.


"I'm sorry about Timmy." My eyes started to swell up with tears and I quickly tried to blink them away.

"It's fine."

"Are you sure?" He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head, squinting my eyes shut and biting my lip, trying my best not to cry.

"Don't worry, Lex. You can cry. It's only me."

"No. I'm not going to cry. I'm actually better off by myself." I tried to convince myself. I took a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm an independent woman who don't need no man" I said, adding a snap at the end causing Ricky and I to start hysterically laughing. We just sat there in silence for about ten minutes until Ricky spoke up.

"Hey, Lexa?"


"How do you feel about California?" He asked, parking the car in our driveway.

"It seems like a pretty cool place," I shrugged.

"No, I mean, how do you feel about moving there?"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now