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I walked into my apartment and the person who was following me closed the door behind him. It was Ricky. I could tell by the lisp.

"Can we have a brother-sister talk?"

"You better not give me "the talk", Ricky, or I swear-"

He laughed, "I won't. Don't worry"

"Then what's up?"

"So, um, you and my best friend?" He asked.

"Me and your best friend," I shrugged. "If you have a problem with it I can totally end it, I mean, bros before hoes, right?"

It was silent for a minute or so until Ricky spoke up.

"Did you just call Connor a hoe?"


Ricky shook his head and laughed. "in fine with it, don't worry. As long as your happy," he smiled. "Do you like Tara's boyfriend?"

"Oh my god, no. I hate Andrew so much. I hope he gets hit by a bus," I quickly respond, "why?"

"Because - um - I - uh -"

"Oh my gosh! You like Tara! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I'm so happy!" I squealed.

"Just please don't tell anybody," Ricky pleaded.

"I won't, I promise," I smiled.

"Anyway, do you think that you and I can have a brother-sister day? All day, just us two? I miss hanging out with you. We always had great times together."

"That'd be great! We haven't had one since we were about 15," I remembered. Hehe. I shoved ice cream down his pants.

"Alright. I will meet you tomorrow morning at nine. Now I'm hungry lets go get some taco's!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back downstairs to the waiting car.


"What took you so long?" Connor asked.

"I was just talking to Ricky. No biggie," I smiled, sitting next to him in the back as Ricky sat in the front with Jc.

"Do you want to go catch a movie tomorrow?" He asked.

"I can't. Ricky and I are having a brother-sister day. No boyfriends allowed," I giggled.

"Well, you have fun with that. Anyway, do you want to help me film a video for my main channel tonight then?"

"Only if you help me with one for my channel," I negotiated.

"Deal," he smiled.

"Whats the video I have to do with you?" I asked.

"A Boy vs. Girl thing. What about your video?"

"Boyfriend does my make-up tag," I smirked. I've wanted to do this for the longest time.

"Oh lord. This is going to be fun"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now