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Oh my gosh guys I have the worst writer's block ever haha. Sorry if this chapter is sucky I just wanted to update for all you guys so yeah.. I'll update 2 chapters because I'm nice.. okay Bye..


"Ugh, my hair looks Ratchet"
"Shut up, Jack"
"What would you like today?" The lady behind the counter asked.
"I'll have a cotton candy frappé"
"I will have one too"
"Alex" he lied.
"Jackie" I lied as well.
"We are such rebels" he joked.
"Do you think these people actually care?"
"Someone's a bit sassy"
I flicked the side of his forehead, grabbed my frappé and started walking out of the store. My phone started buzzing.
"Hello? What? Fine. Whatever. Bye"
"Who was that?" Jack asked after I hung up the phone.
"Tara. She's making me go to the grocery store and get her stuff because she's hungry"
We walked down to the grocery store, grabbing ice cream on the way. I got cotton candy because, lets face it, cotton candy is awesome.
"So what are we getting?" He asked.
"Enough good shit to last us three to four days"
We started walking around a random grocery store grabbing whatever looked good.
"Oh my gosh, Alexa!"
"I found fucking chicken nugget fries"
"I never knew these existed?"
"Jack, you have not lived until you've eaten these things"
We threw two packs in our cart along with the chips, Arizona, ice cream, waffles and popcorn.
We split the pay and started walking back to the hotel.
"Everybody is probably wondering what took us two hours at Starbucks"
"Eh, I doubt they care"

The Perks of Being Me (Connor Franta (O2L))Where stories live. Discover now