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The day went by pretty fast. We were staying at Sam's house this one last night before we went home.

"Hey, Lex? Can I ask you something?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, anything"

"Listen, I know we've been on and off lately. But that's only because your brother made me break up with you. I loved you the whole time and I just pretended that we never broke up. I only tried to avoid you because seeing you would only make me remember that we weren't together. Now, keep that in mind when I ask you this question, okay?"


"How would you like to move in with me?"

"Like, by ourselves?"

"Well, no. Kian, Jc, Ricky and I are all moving into an actual 4-bedroom house this week. I've asked all of the boys and they said its fine with them"

"Where would I sleep?"

"With me, duh"

"Hey, watch it"


"Why didn't you tell me earlier? When are you moving into the house?"

"We are moving in tomorrow, actually"

"What about Tara?"

"She's moving in with Andrea and Jenn. Apparently they are friends now" he laughed.

"Glee is on in two minutes so you can either stay or leave. You pick"

"If I stay can I cuddle with you?"

"Yes" I laughed.

"Okay then I'll stay"


"Oh my god how cute is this!" I cried. Kurt and Blaine were currently singing Come What May and I was about to cry because it was just so beautiful.

"Hey, guess what?"


"Come what may, I will love you 'till my dying day" Connor said. He grabbed my hand and rested his forehead against mine.

"And I will love you 'till the end of time"

We heard someone fake cough. We turned around and saw Ricky standing at the door way.

"I see you two really do love each other" he said. I rested my head on Connors shoulder.

"More than anything" Connor stated.

"I'm sorry I tried to break you guys up. I just didn't want to see my sister get hurt again. Especially right after she stopped- you know."

"It's fine. You were just trying to protect me, and I understand that" I said.

"And if you ever lose your v-card, at least I know it's with someone who actually loves you" him and Connor laughed.

"Ricky, stop it!" I laughed along.

"Oh, c'mon. We all know that it's gonna happen sooner or later. You two can't get enough of each other as it is"

"I'm not going to disagree with you on that" Connor stated.

"Neither am I. But I don't want to do it yet, I mean- wait- why am I telling you this?"

"I'll leave you two to your little TV show. I'll see you tomorrow. We have to get up early because we have to go pack and leave" Ricky explained.

"Alright. See you then, Rickster"


"Okay, Alexis. From now on we are no longer independent" Connor pointed out.

"May the odds be ever in our favor" I joked.

"I wonder how long it would last before one of us kills the other"

"I give it about three weeks"

"So-" I sat on our bed, "-what do we do now?"

"Well, we should unpack. Just a suggestion"

"Ugh that requires physical activity"

"We aren't sleeping in a room full of boxes. The bed isn't even here yet. We might as well hang everything up now so we don't have to climb around the bed"

We each decided to compromise on our room. I got one side and he got the other. I decided to make one of those cool hearts made out of pictures right above my desk and laptop. I grabbed the small box of pictures and looked through it.

"Hey, look at this picture. It's from when we first met. We were in the airport talking and laughing and I guess Ricky snapped a picture of it"

"Yeah, I remember that. That's when I realized that love at first sight was a real feeling"

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Many times, yes" he laughed.

"I'm just so glad that I found you"

"Close your eyes"


"Just close them"


I closed my eyes and heard him walk across the room and back. I felt him push my hair to the side, and cold metal hit my skin. He was putting a necklace on me.

"And, open your eyes"

I did as he said and opened my eyes, immediately looking at the necklace. It was the locket that he got me a while back.

"I take back what I said about the locket. It's not stupid. I love it so much"

"I know. I'm glad you do"



Eh. I'm not too sure about this chapter.

Comment if you liked it!

Also comment if you want me to do more laid-back chapters like this with Connor and Alexis with no point in in whatsoever.



Im running out of ideas and I don't want to just skip all the way to September when she's with her mom


I'm only doing this once


Comment some ideas!

I'm letting you guys decide what happens in the next two chapters

I'll only pick a few

May the odds be ever in your favor

Alright, bye!

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