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"No one cares about you." "No one likes you." "No one cares." "Everybody hates you." "You will never be loved." "Look at all those colonies that left you. They left you for a reason." "Why don't you just leave." "No one would notice since no one cares." "Everything would be the same without you, nothing would change."

"It's true. No one cares about me. I should just leave, no one will notice anyways. America doesn't care—he left me anyways. France would just be ecstatic that the 'Black Sheep of Europe is gone'. Romania and Norway...they only care because I have magic—I'm pretty sure they've never truly cared about me either. Most of the countries hate me anyways. It would make no difference I weren't there at the meeting. Besides, the Queen will be able to handle perfectly fine without me and the government has never needed me. And America...he doesn't care anymore. He'd probably love it if I were gone..."

With these final thoughts, he set off to an unknown place with necessities in a medium sized backpack strung over his shoulder. As he walked down the dark street, a slight wind ruffled his already messy blonde hair. The only light that he got was from the few tall light posts that stood against the black night sky. He occasionally wiped the small crystal like tears from his peridot colored eyes as he walked down the street. Muttering something underneath his breath, he waved his hand over his body as a light green glow surrounded him temporarily.

"Now no countries will be able to sense me on their land. It will wear off periodically though. It's not like anyone will notice or care anyways..."

He continued walking down the street, eventually disappearing into thin air and leaving just a small breeze of wind surrounding the spot he was last in.

"No one would come after me. I'm just a piece of garbage, meant to be thrown away and hated. They'll never have to deal with me again."

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