Chapter 21

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Taking one last look at the captive Brit, Canada turned around and walked out the door. He was worried about how England would be in the future, but he had a feeling that things were going to get better. As long as his idiotic brother kept everything under control of course. Canada walked out and bumped into something, or someone.

"Hey bro! Turns that I got kicked back in by some animals. I guess the squirrels didn't appreciate me stepping on their acorns. They started yapping and chipping at me. I'm pretty sure there are some bruises on my head from those acorns. And I totally wasn't worrying over England. Not at all. Not caring about what you might have said to him or if he said anything to you," America said innocently, whistling as he looked away.

Figuring that calming his anxious brother would be the best, Canada launched into an explanation of what happened, though not giving everything away.

"He's hurt," Canada put simply.

"Huh?" America asked, tilting his head to the side.

"He's been bottling up all of this hurt from over the years that finally he snapped. He's hoping that you'll kick him out so that you can live in peace. He figured that he was annoying you," Canada said, shrugging his shoulders gently.

"But I love having him here! It's a blast to have him come over here! Though not usually under these circumstances. But he's not annoying me at all! If anything he's just making me worried!"

"That's all that he told me."

America sighed, looking at his brother.

"What can I do, Canada?"

He paused for a second, thinking. Then something popped into his mind. Something that he had forgotten about. Canada walked towards America slowly, the two being far apart after the collision.

"You could stop teasing him! Maybe that would work! What on earth made you think that teasing him more would be a good idea? That made it worse you moron!" Canada yelled, slapping America in the head.

America rubbed his head, pouting slightly.

"I just wanted to get a reaction from him," he whined. "But maybe that wasn't the way I should have gone. Now that I think about, that was a stupid idea. I made it worse," he said, looking sad at the end.

"Exactly what I just said," Canada muttered.

"But how do I remedy what I've done already?" America asked, staring pleadingly.

"Show him that you're there for him," he replied firmly, staring his brother down to show how serious he was. "Don't try and trigger anything from him. Let everything happen naturally. Don't try to be soft or harsh around him. Just be you! With a bit more brains though. As long as you don't hurt him anymore, you'll be fine. And I'm pretty sure he wants to open up to you too."

"Got it! Thanks Canada! You really do know how to give good advice! And I'm sorry that I dragged you down here. But it was for a good cause!"

"It's fine," Canada said sighing. "But I should be heading back to Canada. There's not much of a point in me staying anymore. Please America. Help England."

He nodded solemnly to the other, displaying earnestly to Canada how much it meant to him to help England.

"Goodbye Canada."

I thought that the book would be done around 25 chapters, but look at where we are now. Also, sorry if it's too much talking and stuff for you. It seemed right to put most of it here.
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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