Chapter 16

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After ending the phone call with Canada, America finished eating the burger he had put down. It had been three hours after he brought England home. Chucking the wrapper in the trash with all the other various wrappers, he made his way into his living room.

He walked into the room, heading towards the open chair across from England. England's sleeping figure was still rested on the couch. He took his seat in the chair before drifting off into his thoughts.

"So I have no idea what I'm gonna do when he wakes up. I could listen to Canada. Or I could just listen to myself. Interrogating him sounds fun. But maybe Canada has a point. But I have a good point too! I could withhold tea from him until he breaks for his precious leaf water that he somehow can stand. Or should I just let things play out? Ughh, I don't know what I'm doing! Maybe if I go eat another burger, it'll help with my thought train!"

Prepared to go get his favourite food from the fridge, he got snapped out of his thoughts by a groan coming the figure on the couch. He went over to check on England, worried that he may be hurt.

England's POV

Bloody heck, that is one headache I'm bearing right now. What on earth happened? Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with a pair of sky blue eyes and glasses. I sat up abruptly, hitting my head against the other person's head. That did not help my headache at all. I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead, trying to ease away the pain. Whoever I hit had quite a hard head.

"Ouch, England! That hurt dude!" a voice came from in front of me.

Opening my eyes back up, I spotted America doing the same as me. Rubbing his ridiculously hard head. Quickly realising that it was America in front of me, I glanced at my surroundings.

Let's see. A game shelf. A humongous TV. Various controllers with cables connecting to the TV. A set of headphones lying on the cluttered coffee table in front of me. Some chairs. A big couch that I'm currently sat on. And an energetic American in front of me.

"Why am I in your house, America?" I asked him, watching him lean back up.

"Well, after we knocked you out, I brought you back to my place!" he told me, staring at me with his eyes shining.

Confusion flooded my being before being swatted away by my memories. Quickly remembering why I got knocked out, I sprung to my feet; sprinting to the other end of the room. Ignoring the pain that went through me, I tried to summon my magic to my will, only to discover it being blocked. I tried again valiantly, though only to get the same results. I couldn't access my magic.

"Whoa! Chill England! Calm down!" America yelped, startled at my sudden sprint.

I found myself panicking at the fact of America being right there.

"How do I get out of here? Could I possibly rush him and get out through the front door? But the chances are, if my magic won't come to me then my shield isn't here either. So he would find me almost immediately!" I thought as I started to unnaturally lose my cool.

"I know what you're thinking, England. You're not escaping anytime soon," America said sternly, looking me straight in the eyes.

He's serious about this. So I'm stuck here. How am I going to get out? How do I get my magic back?

"Unless you feel like telling me everything about why you left so suddenly like that, you'll be spending your time with me. We're gonna have a lot of fun together!" he said, suddenly turning energetic at the end.

So the only way out is to let him in. I shouldn't bother him with my own complaints of the world. Especially when the complaints are about me. I shouldn't be so selfish as to bring him down with me. I should find another way out then. Right now, I just don't feel like dealing with America.

I felt all my energy drain out at the thought of having to be around him until further notice. I just want to go back to sleep. Away from the world and the "prison" I've been put in.

"Could you please show me to my room then," I asked him dejectedly, not feeling like putting up a fight.

"Going to bed already? Are you okay? The tranquilliser didn't hurt you, did it?" he asked me concerned.

"No, I'm fine," I told him softly,"I...just feel like resting."

"If you say so then," America told me as he led me up the stairs into the guest room.

He left shortly after I got acquainted with the room I was going to stick myself in. Curling up underneath the covers; I found myself submitting to sleep. What on earth am I going to do now?

And finished the chapter! I've really got to stop procrastinating on these chapters. I totally didn't finish it the night before it was suppose to go up. Just because of school next week, I may have to force the book onto another day. I'll try my best to keep it on Fridays, but there's no guarantee. Hope you guys are either enjoying school, or enjoying what remainder of summer you have!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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