Chapter 32

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"I guess I should go see if America is awake," England said to himself, sniffling slightly. But before he could get up and walk out, a knock came on the wooden door. "England? Are you awake?" The door opened before England could reply.

"Did I wake you up?" the American asked concerned. He walked into the room and stood before the Brit.

England shook his head, glancing up to look at America. "No I woke up before you knocked. I was just about to go and see if you were awake anyways."

America smiled before responding to him. "Well that's good! How're you feeling? Better I hope?"

"Yes. Thank you for caring for me yesterday," England told him gratefully.

The American grinned widely before flashing a thumbs-up sign at him. "No problem bro! After all, it's a hero's duty to protect those in need!"

England rolled his eyes internally. "There he goes again with the whole hero thing. Why do I like him again?"

"But anyways dude, what do you want to do today? Of course we're staying in. But what do you want to do?" America questioned him. "We could do movies...or video games!" he added at the end, perking up.

The Brit sniffled slightly before responding back at him exasperated. "I suppose I'd be fine with a movie. I'd prefer not do play any of your silly eye strainers,"

"But it's really up to you, America! It's your house after all...I'm already intruding," he quickly added softly afterwards.

"I must seem like an unhappy guest. Why must I cause him pain? I should stop complaining about everything."

"It's no problem really, England! I'm fine with you being in my house! If you want, we could just watch movies.'d be fine with doing a combination of both video games and movie watching?" America offered.

"If you'd like," England whispered, worried he'd stepped over the line.

The self proclaimed hero looked at him forlornly, before moving the subject over to food and drinks.

"Do you want any of your leaf-water to drink while we have our little marathon?" America asked, grinning teasingly. England sputtered next to him.

"It's not leaf-water you git! It's tea. A better beverage than your hyper fizzy pop!" he retorted back before sneezing.

"Of course," the other replied with a humorous eye roll. "Do you know if you can handle popcorn as well? Your throat may be a bit too scratchy to deal with it right now."

England swallowed and coughed a couple of times to check how his throat was doing. "It seems to be better than yesterday at the least. I'll just share the popcorn with you. That is, if you don't mind the chance of you getting sick."

"Nah! I'll be fine! My immune system is pretty good!"

America went to the kitchen to prepare the popcorn and get his drinks while England went to go make his tea. The two moved around the kitchen, miraculously not bumping into each other as they did. As they finished up the preparations, America grinned and excitedly said, "Let's get this party started!"

I honestly have nothing to put down here other then, hi. I'm going on a trip tomorrow, so update times might be a bit odd. I'll do my best to update using the timezone I use currently, but just as a warning, things may come late.
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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