Chapter 23

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Waking up slowly, England opened his eyes. Already knowing where he was, he sat up. Looking outside, he saw the sun slowly setting in the sky. Getting out of the bed with a small groan, he stood up in the middle of the room, remembering the last conversation he had with Canada.

"I never actually realised poor Canada felt that way. I knew that he was ignored constantly, but I never knew it was that bad. Maybe I should give America a chance. But what if it ends up firing back on me? But maybe I'll do it for Canada. After all, it was awfully nice for him to come and talk to me, even if it was on America's request. I suppose I shall go and see if America is in his room."

Walking out of his room silently and cautiously, still unsure of his decision, he walked over to America's room and knocked. No response came. He tried the doorknob, twisting it and attempting to open the door. The door quietly opened as England peeked in. The room was slightly lighted from light drawing in through the curtains.

He went closer towards America's bed, seeing the American sleeping on the bed. Peering over America's face; he wasn't prepared for his closed eyes to immediately snap open. Quickly and suddenly, America screamed loudly, not expecting that reaction. England fell back with a short scream, landing on his back. America's head flew to the side looking at the nation on the ground.

"Oh!" America exclaimed. "Sorry, England! I didn't know it was you!"

America paused for a bit, thoughts started to come into his head.

"Wait, why are you in my room? Last time I checked, you were sleeping," America asked confused.

"I woke up," England started off quietly. "But thinking about what Canada said, I thought that maybe we could eat dinner together," he finished off, looking off to the side.

Not expecting for America to jump off the bed and hug him, he fell over once again after getting up.

"Of course Iggy!" he yelled, forgetting about calling him England.

England softly smiled at his excitement, hoping he wouldn't regret doing this.

"Let's go! I am feeling hungry after all! Where should we go? Unless you wanna stay home. That's perfectly fine!" America asked him curiously, excited that England could possibly be opening up to him.

He wouldn't waste this opportunity at all! He would make sure that Canada's efforts weren't in vain.

"Actually, let's go to a restaurant that's recently opened up! That is, if you're fine with it," America said, starting to quiet down.

"It's alright, onwards then," England told him.

"Alright! Come on! You're gonna love this restaurant! It's called Starlight Galaxy! It's a beautiful place! You'll love it! As you can tell, it's based off of the night sky when it's clear out with all the stars," he informed England.

England watched as America started to ramble on about the restaurant and how cool it was. Might as well make the best of it.

Time of completion, i.e. Writing it, and editing it. 4 minutes before upload time. 4 hecking minutes. Wow. But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! For the next chapters after the next chapter, it's just going to be random events/activities. If you want to suggest something, go ahead! I don't believe there's a restaurant called Starlight Galaxy, but it sounds cool, okay?
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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