Chapter 24

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The car ride to the restaurant was filled with uneasy silence on England's part, his skin prickling with the awkwardness. Not feeling any urge to start up a conversation, he sat dead silent, instead choosing to look out the window at the passing scenery.

"So," America started, breaking the silence. "How's your stay been?"

England continued looking at the outside, choosing not to turn around. "It's been quite nice," he told America quietly.

"Well that's good!" America said with a smile on his face as he continued driving.

"Please let us arrive at the restaurant soon. I know I said I'd talk to him, but I really don't want to," England thought desperately to himself.

Luckily for him, America stopped the car. Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realised America pulling into a parking lot. He undid his seatbelt, pulling it behind him. Before he could open the door himself, the door was opened by America on the other side. Grinning, America held the door open for England as he got out.

"Thank you," England told America, still not looking into his eyes. England got out, walking past America. The smile disappeared from America's face as the Brit walked away from him.

Taking a short walk to the restaurant, the air was once again filled with silence between the two. Everything else was going on around them however. The murmurs of people, the slight wisp of air that would float past them, and the cars that would gently pass by them on the street.

They came to a stop in front of a building. The sign high above the door said, "Starlight Galaxy." The sign was outlined in a faint navy with the letters coloured in white. The glow was a dimmed black as the letters swirled over each other. The sign was elegantly designed, matched to suit the restaurant inside.

"Well, here we are! Let's go in!" America said excitedly.

The two walked in, England stunned by the elegance of the inside. America just smiled at the hidden awe of England's face. America walked up the host who was dressed in a suit and a tie behind the podium.

"Reservation for Jones please," America asked politely with a tone of formality underlining it.

The host looked down at reservation list in front of him, before looking back up with a smile. He walked forwards, gesturing for them to follow him.

"Right this way, Mr Jones and Mr Kirkland," he said, leading them to their seats.

As they walked further down the restaurant, England became more filled with amazement.

"This had to have been expensive. Why would he spend this much on me?" he thought with self loathing to know why America would care that much.

He was quickly broken out of his thoughts as they arrived at their table.

"Here you are sirs. Please, take a seat. A waiter or waitress will be with you shortly."

As they took their seats, England spoke up without thinking.

"America, how much did this cost?"

America looked up, shocked at hearing England speak.

"It doesn't matter! As long as you have a good time here! Oh, hey look! There's our waitress!" he said, immediately breaking off the conversation.

"Hello there sirs. If I may ask, what drinks would you two like to start off with tonight?

"A water's fine with me! What about you?" America said, motioning over to England.

"I'll be fine with a water as well. Thank you madam."

The waitress nodded, walking off. Both America and England picked up their menus, looking through the selection that they had.

"England," America said suddenly. England peeked up, looking over his menu.

"Choose anything you want. It's all on me. Don't look at the price, okay?" America said, pleading with England.

He nodded in response, quickly deciding what he would get. The waitress returned with the two waters with ice cubes floating in them.

"Here you are sirs. Have you decided what you would like?"

Giving the waitress their orders, she wrote them down before taking the orders. England looked around at the restaurant, taking a better look at the surroundings. The chairs were a smooth dark wood with the cushions being a dark navy blue. The carpet was a dark pine tree green while the walls were black. The ceiling was black as well, though navy blue and light blues were blended into it. There were small white specks on the ceiling representing stars.

Meanwhile America was observing England as England observed the restaurant. "Dang, he's cute. Wait, what?"

Fortunately for America, the waitress came back with their food. She set the plates down, and told them, "Please enjoy sirs and let me know if you need anything."

America dug into his food hungrily, starving from only eating the one burger he had that day. England on the other hand just picked at his food, even though he only ate a small bit that day. Suddenly, America spoke up.

"England," America said seriously. "Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing? Is there something on my face?"

England looked up from picking at his food. Looking at what America was wearing, he gulped. "No, England, this isn't the time to be distracted by his...attractiveness."

"No," England said after a moment of pausing. "You look quite lovely."

America looked at England, uncertainty on his face. "Are you sure? You haven't looked at me the entire time we've been here. Not to mention, you keep avoiding looking at me in my eyes."

"It's because I don't want you to see how broken I am through my own eyes. Your eyes are beautiful. If I look at you, I'll only fall harder," England thought dejectedly.

"Just tired," England said, still not quite meeting America in the eyes. He didn't want to give America the full answer; his heart didn't feel willing enough.

"England, please tell me what's going. Why did you run away from us? Please tell me," America said, unusually solemnly.

Wooo! 1000 words for this chapter not including the thing at the top or the author's note! I am so proud! Not to mention I finished this last minute! But I am proud of this chapter!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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