Chapter 46

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America looked around in wonder, gazing at the beauty of the place. England was in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by animals. He saw woodland creatures, and sparkling lights surrounding him. Rubbing his eyes, he shook his head. He didn't believe some of the creatures he saw. A unicorn? Were those fairies?

He watched as the bunny from before bounded in front of him. Jumping in what seemed to be an excited manner, America watched as the small animal jumped into the air and glowed. The bunny changed colour. From what was the previous snow white coat, now had green blended into it. A mint green colour was now what fur coat the bunny had, with similar coloured wings sprouting out of the back of it as well.

"England! England!" the tiny animal squealed as it flew excitedly towards the runway country.

America's jaw fell open, not being able to comprehend all that was happening.

England smiled gently at the mint coloured bunny as it landed in his arms.

"Hello there, Flying Mint Bunny. Where did you fly off to?" England asked the creature softly.

"There was someone in our forest, England! In fact, I brought him here! I thought you might be able to talk to him. He did seem friendly after all!" Mint Bunny responded cheerfully, nuzzling closer into England.

The Brit turned around. What greeted him was the sight of the American with his mouth still open. England's mind went blank, not knowing what to do.

"England? Do you know him?" the mint coloured bunny asked the personification.

All England could do was stare. He wasn't sure if he should run, or face the music that was going to come. While he was debating this, a fairy floated over to America. Tiny wings flapping with light blue sparkles glowed next to America's face. A small finger cautiously poked the other personification, as if checking that he was still alive.

America blinked rapidly at being poked, turning to see what poked him. The sight that greeted him was a minuscule human being with wings, sparkles, and a tiny dress being worn.

"Um...hi...there," America stuttered out, at a lost for words.

"Is that a real fairy I'm seeing? But I'm positive they don't exist! Nothing here should be real! And yet I just watched a bunny sprout wings and fly while changing colours. People should change the term 'when pigs fly' to when bunnies fly."

The fairy giggled before fluttering away back towards England.

America followed the fairy's path towards England with his eyes. He hesitantly stepped towards England after a moments pause.

"Hello. Come over and sit down. They won't harm you."

America blinked, not expecting England to call him over. Walking over unsurely, he sat down next to the Brit. The speaking bunny in England's lap looked up at him, eyes twinkling with happiness.

"I think he's good, England!" Mint Bunny squeaked, beaming up at the nation.

"I think so too, Mint Bunny," England said quietly, gazing at America.

An awkward silence soon filled the air, as the various creatures eventually settled down around the two countries.

"So, what brings you here, America?" England asked, choosing to ignore their last encounters with each other.

America gulped nervously, before choosing what to say.

"I came here to come after you. I remembered this place from when you told me about it, and figured you might be here. But that's not the point. Why did you run without letting me respond back?" America told him, frustrated.

England looked away stubbornly, instead focusing on the unicorn that had trotted over to lay next to him. Petting it gently, he refused to answer America.

America sighed.

"England. Please? Don't you think I at least deserve to know after that abrupt confession?" he pleaded.


"Was what you said just a lie? Did you mean none of what you said? That's not cool," America ranted angrily, glaring at the runaway country.

"It wasn't a lie! I was scared, alright?" England snapped angrily. "I didn't want to face your rejection so I ran. Why do you think I ran away in the first place? You were part of that reason! The heartache that comes with seeing you is too much! I didn't want to deal with it anymore...and everyone else only made it worse..."

Tears were welling up in England's eyes, no matter how much he willed them away. A soft neigh came the unicorn next him as a sign of comfort.

"The animals and mythical beings you see here right now are my only friends. Everyone teases me, saying that they aren't real, but they are real! Even you can see them, can't you? Romania and Norway could see them, yet I was the only one teased for it. Those two only put up with me for my magic. The only appealing thing about me," England let out.

"That's not true!" America interrupted. "Sure, your personality isn't all that great, but it makes you, you! I mean, Romano is basically the same thing, but harsher, and yet Spain is still fine with him. I don't see why you should feel like this at all! And what do you mean I'm part of your heartache? What did I ever do to you?"

"Well, the American Revolution was one," England muttered. "And not to mention, your personality completely contrasts mine! I would only drag you down with my gloomy attitude..."

America shook his head frantically, desperate to try and convince the self-deprecating Brit otherwise. He stared determinedly at the Brit, his tone changing into a serious one.

"Please, England. Listen to me. The American Revolution is in the past. Please, try to move on from it. I never meant for it to still haunt you today! And what you call your gloomy attitude would never drag me down. In fact, it would probably lift me up! Because it's you, "America pleaded. "You never let me tell you, but I feel the same way about you as you do me,"

Both countries felt their throats tighten up, with hearts pounding in chests for what was about to happen.

"England...I love you too," America nervously said, feeling choked up. "Please believe me when I say that I truly and utterly love you."

England could feel tears falling down his face now, with silence throughout the forest. Scrambling to figure what to say, he looked up. What he saw was trust, devotion, and love shining in those sky blue eyes he had grown to adore. With tears shining in his own peridot eyes, he spoke with utter conviction in his words.

"I believe you."

And that's the end of, 'The Disappearance of England.' It has been such a long journey to finish this book. I can't express how much gratitude I have to everyone for reading this book and coming along for the ride. First of all, I never expected this book to be where it is now. I never expected all of the reads that it has now, and for all the people that kept following this book. Honestly, thank you so much! To everyone who gave comments, thank you! The best part about this was probably seeing all the different comments people posted, from reactions, to greetings, and even feedback. It means so much to me. I'm sad to see it end, but it feels like the right time to end it. Every comment to me mattered so much. Every person mattered to me. When I was feeling down, so many of you commented telling me to get better, or to not worry. So, thank you.

Moving onto my thoughts about this book, and what's coming up ahead. First, this book at the beginning and some of the middle, has such bad writing. I've looked back on some of it, and gosh is it bad. Compared to the end parts, it's terrible. Maybe in the future I'll rewrite this story, but it probably won't happen for a long time. I don't know yet if I want to add an epilogue or not, or if one would even fit. Now, the next stories I'll be posting might not be Hetalia related. Right now, the next two things I'll be uploading will be short stories. There's not really much left to say. Thanks guys for reading, 'The Disappearance of England.' I hope to see some of you again in a different story.

See ya guys at the next story.
- Starlite

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