Chapter 45

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"Where do I head first?" America wondered to himself. "I have...approximately three hours until the sun starts to set. I guess I could just head into a random direction and hope I eventually come across him."

He shrugged, not having any other ideas. Even the chance that England was even in this place was minuscule. The only reason why this place even stuck in his mind was because of the wistful look on England's face when he was talking about it. The way he talked about the place had made America feel a bit guilty for keeping the other nation, 'hostage', in his house. The way the Brit's eyes had lit up solemnly when talking about the trees, how he sounded wistful when speaking of the blue skies. And how his eyes shined with joy when he talked about the animals he saw and talked to there.

America chose to not think about the other creatures England had mentioned, still not believing in them. After all, unicorns? Fairies? They sounded like something straight out of those fantasy novels England talked about. The Lord of Narnia? Harry Jackson and the Chamber of Olympians? It didn't matter anyway to America. He chose to instead look past those things and still appreciate England for who he was.

The American started walking off into the forest, viewing the scenery and watching out for the other blonde. Some birds were chirping as he walked by.

"I can see why England adores this place now. It feels like I could stay here forever and never leave."

Unbeknownst to him, a pair of eyes were watching him from the trees. They narrowed in suspicion before disappearing again. America could feel drowsiness welling up in him for some strange reason. He found himself unable to fight it as his eyes starting closing. A serene feeling overtook him as the trees seemed to close around him.

He awoke with a startled gasp, not knowing where he was. A quick look around soothed the panic inside of him. He was right where he fell asleep, minus the sunlight. The stars were twinkling in the night sky with the moon shining. No clouds were in the sky, leaving it clear.

"How long was I out for? And why? I could have sworn I got enough sleep...but too be fair, I was really tired when I arrived here. Oh well."

Standing up and stretching, he turned around to see a small bunny sitting in front of him. Its ears twitched as its gaze seemed to pierce straight through him. He inched forwards slowly, not wanting to scare the bunny away. Crouching down, he offered one of his hands for the small animal to sniff. It's whiskers moved briefly. The bunny looked up at him with beady eyes, before turning to hop away.

"Wait!" America quickly said.

The animal stopped, then continued on its way. America, not knowing what else to do, decided to follow it. It would have been a strange sight to anyone watching, as they would have seen a lumbering person chasing frantically after a tiny rabbit.

The rabbit led him to a small clearing, void of trees except for the ones surround the clearing. There in the midst of the space, was England.

The Disappearance of England | Hetalia Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now