Chapter 31

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Eventually waking up an hour after he did previously, England opened his eyes, not feeling like getting up. As a few coughs escaped his lungs, he sat up with some effort. He sighed, the cold still annoying him to no end. "I'm sick, though not as bad as yesterday. I'm stuck here with my magic blocked, and I can't leave without America around me. I'm basically forcing America to take care of me. He shouldn't have to deal with this." England sighed once again.

"America...why must this be so difficult to get away from you. Part of the reason why I left or 'ran away' was because of you. I didn't want to deal with my growing feelings for you. And I didn't want you to deal with me any longer. I mean, how could he ever like me back anyways? My feelings would never be reproached."

England's eyes widened as he thought about what he just thought a few seconds ago. "My feelings? I suppose I've never actually admitted to myself how I feel. I guess...I do like America then. But how could he ever like me back? Having to put up with me all the time. What's worse is that I know my crush on him will never fade. I'm already entrapped in this torment of feelings, and I don't think there's an escape. I don't even know why I like him." England chuckled hoarsely. "To be fair, does anyone ever know why they actually like their crush? I sure as bloody heck don't."

England groaned, wanting the thoughts plaguing his mind out of his head.

"His eyes...the beautiful sky blue they are...and how they glimmer whenever he gets excited about something. His attitude and insistence about helping everything. Even his proclamations about being a hero. No matter how irking his boisterous attitude is, I can't help but smile inside. I can't allow myself to keep these feelings. Especially since I don't plan on staying here any longer than I need to." His peridot coloured eyes drifted to the leather bracelet still on his arm. He glared at the magic suppressor, and pulled at it once again.

"Once this blasted thing comes off, I'm running."

Happy birthday, 'The Disappearance of England'! Today marks one year! Yay, cue the streamers. Though seriously, thanks for how far this book has came since a year ago! I'll see you guys again on Wednesday! This is more of a mini chapter that really needed to get out of the way.
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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