Chapter 36

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The car ride was silent, though not with awkwardness. It was a rather short trip to the park America had wanted to go to.

After arriving at the park, America clambered out of the car in a rush while England calmly closed the door behind him.

"C'mon, Arthur!" America cheered. "I want to see the ducks!"

England shook his head, rolling his eyes at the childish behaviour before him.

  "At this rate, the ducks will hear you coming a mile away and scurry from you before you even get close to them," he scolded. "Now, where's the duck feed?"

  "Just over there! I'll go get it for the two of us!" America yelled over his shoulder as he bounced away.

The Brit sighed. "Hopefully there'll actually be a use for the feed."

He stood there patiently, waiting for the hyper nation to get back. Viewing the scenery around him, he heard the country first before he heard him.

"I GOT THE FEED!" America screamed at him from a distance.

Blushing lightly from the looks glanced his way from people strolling, he made his way swiftly over to America.

"Quiet down!" he snapped at the joyful nation, still blushing from the attention attracted by the American.

America pouted, sulking at England. "But the ducks! It's been such a long time! They've missed meeeee," he told England childishly, drawing out the e in me.

England let out a breath, trying not to roll his eyes once more.

"If you keep this up, no ducks would want to be near you. At least not with that voice," he snarked.

"I'm a hero, of course the ducks would come near me. In fact, they'll flock together at the sight of me, all wanting to be as close as possible," America grinned, posing.

Refraining from hitting the boisterous nation, England instead took this time to walk away from the posing nation.

"Hey, where are you going? Nooo, don't leave meee!"

With much embarrassment on England's side, they finally arrived at the duck pond. America found himself quickly infatuated with the ducks waddling along the side. England just watched as America waddled along with ducks, the ducks hurrying with every glance sent behind them at America. Eventually the ducks gave up on the game of chase and jumped into the pond, hurrying away from the creepy stalker behind them.

"You do understand that you have duck feed in your hands, right?" England asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I do! I totally remembered! I would never forget. Never. Uh huh."

For the remainder of the time, England watched as America ran around the pond, harassing any bird that moved. He was so enraptured by the sheer terror displayed by the birds that he forgot he still had some feed with him. A tiny quack came from next to him as he looked down. There stood a tiny duckling, peering at him curiously.

"Hello there," he greeted softly to the duckling as he squatted down. "Would you like some food?"

He held out hand full of the grain as the bird hopped towards him slowly. With a held breath, he stared as the duck slowly started eating from his outstretched hand. He was struck by awe from the bird eating from his palm. At least he was, before America came running over. The duck quacked at England before waddling away from the bird monster known as the United States of America .

"Every bird I come across runs from me," the burger loving country whined.

"Maybe it's because of your ridiculously loud voice," England snapped, still watching the curious duckling moving away.

"Nah, that can't be it," America said, waving his words off. "But anyways, shall we go to have a picnic at another park? I'm hungry from playing with all those ducks!"

"Of course you are," England muttered.

"What was that?"


Question for you guys. Would you rather short updates every Friday, or would you rather lengthy updates taking about two weeks or so? But, can I just say that while writing the duck scene, all I could see was England crouching down to this adorable tiny duck with an outstretched palm full of feed, while America was screaming in the background, waving his arms wildly?

See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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