Chapter 29

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"Achoo!" a sneeze rang out through the room as England woke up. He sniffled a bit, tired eyes looking around for the time he had woken up at. The green numbers on digital clock read 9:37 AM. He groaned slightly, before another sneeze started up in his nose. "Achoo!" He sniffled again, irked that he had gotten sick.

"This sickness better go away soon," he mumbled to himself. "I don't want to burden America with my sneezing--" he interrupted himself by coughing softly. "And apparently coughing as well. And besides, I need to start figuring out how to get this blasted bracelet off. The sooner the better after all."

He decided to attempt to go back to sleep again, eventually falling into a fitful slumber, occasional sneezes and coughs interrupting him. While he fell asleep again, in the other room, America was woken up by the noises produced by the Brit in the other room. Pushing himself to get up, America after some time, finally got out of bed. "I guess England somehow got himself sick."

Walking downstairs, he got out various items and cooking utensils for the sick country upstairs, preparing to cook something that he hoped would make the other feel better.

After an hour or so, England was woken up once again, though this time by a smell wafting upstairs. He sniffed the air with some difficulties due to his cold, but soon recognised the smell. Stumbling slightly to the source of the smell, he saw America standing in front of a counter, stirring something absentmindedly. A short cough erupted from England, America turning around after hearing the sound.

"Hey Iggy!" America greeted the sick nation, the nickname accidentally slipping out. He expected the greeted nation to ignore the nickname, but instead, he was pleasantly surprised by the sharp retort that came from England.

"Don't call me that you git!" England snapped. But after seeing the shocked look on America's face, he quickly retracted what he had said. "Sorry, I meant to ask you what you were cooking," he said quietly.

Snapping out of his shocked state, he swiftly told the nation that it was fine. "Nah, it's fine! It's nice to see that you're well enough to still snap at me! And for your question, I'm cooking soup! I heard you coughing and sneezing up a storm in the other room so I decided to make something for you! I was going to bring it upstairs to you but it seems like that plan is getting kicked to the curb," he told him, shrugging at the end.

"My apologies," England said, looking downwards, his eyes filled with worry about possibly upsetting America.

"Hey, don't worry about it dude! It just means we can eat together down here instead. And after that, you're going back upstairs to sleep so you can get better and we can do things tomorrow! And the following days after that as well!" America cheerfully said.

"If you say so then," England said, feeling slightly bad at potentially cancelling any plans the American could have had.

"Hey! Don't feel bad about getting sick," said American told him firmly, staring at the slightly down island nation. "And besides, we have plenty of things we can do in the house tomorrow! Not everything has to be outside of the house."

"Like what, your eye straining, loud annoying video games," England muttered, not noticing America's expression changing with the words he spoke.


"His attitude is changing! He's more expressive than he was two days ago. I think he's finally opening up again. Or at least opening up in the way he's best at. Snapping and insulting everything he sees while criticising it as well. It's nice. It's been a while since I've seen England act this way. I guess all I can really hope for now is that nothing sets him off enough for him to run away again," America thought to himself while sipping at his soup.

"I'm going head back upstairs. Thank you for the soup, America," England politely said before leaving the table and pushing in his chair. He briefly smiled at him, before walking upstairs silently. America looked over at his bowl. Inside was barely any soup left, as most of it had been eaten by England.

Meanwhile, upstairs, England was laying on his bed, picking absentmindedly at the bracelet that stopped his magic. Trying to go to sleep, he finally fell asleep, not noticing that he had revealed part of the latch on the bottom of it. His arm was splayed out in front of him as he slept soundly.

Hey! It's an update! I'm so sorry it took practically a month for this to come out! Like I said previously, things got in the way, and I couldn't write. I hope you guys enjoy this poorly written chapter! Also, thanks for the support. It means a lot to me that there are actually people who care about my wellbeing. I never expected anyone to actually care, so thanks.

I guess what's sad though is that the one person who probably should have read it didn't read it, and the other person who didn't need to read it, read it

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I guess what's sad though is that the one person who probably should have read it didn't read it, and the other person who didn't need to read it, read it.
Of course I'm still not feeling the best, but I'll get better! And hey, thanks for over 6k reads! Hope you guys are having a lovely break if you're on winter break!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

(And I may or may not have spent ten minutes on that picture.)

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