Chapter 14

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The glow disappeared, leaving America standing there. In his arms was England, fast asleep.

America had lunged frantically into the light, desperate to prevent England from getting away again. He went into the light seeing him in the middle of the light.

England had felt the effects of the tranquilizer set in as he ran, but he brushed it off. Extremely drowsy and tired, he was about to teleport away. He heard his name being called by America. Turning around to see America chasing after him into the light. Blackness start to creep in the sides of his vision as he fell. He was about to hit the ground. The last thing he knew before submitting to the sleep overtaking him was someone catching him. Green light disappeared from around them, leaving England in America's arms after an unsuccessful get away attempt.

"Ve! We have England! That was a good shot Germany!"

"Da! Certainly better than France! Maybe if you were to become one with my country you could learn how to be a better shot, France."

"Now is not the time Russia! We have more important things to take care of!" China snapped.

"We were lucky that the tranquilizer kicked it when it did. England-san might have gotten away otherwises."

"Umm, dudes? I kinda have an unconscious tea loving Brit in my arms? Could we maybe to get out of here and back to a house that England can stay in?" America said, trying to get their attention.

"Wait a second mes amis. Where is Angleterre going to stay? We never did figure out what was going to happen after we got him," France pointed out.

They couldn't leave England on his own; he would probably run away again.

"America, would it be possible if England stays at your house?" Germany asked America.

"Sure! You can trust the hero to take care of England!"

"Ohonhon! You seemed rather eager there to take care of him! Is there any reasoning behind your eagerness, Amérique?" France smirked.

"What are implying you Frenchie?"

"Nothing at all mon cheri," France said smirking.

"Break it up you two," Germany said sternly, "we'll leave England to you for now then, America."

"Find out why he left," Germany added, a bit softer.

As much as all the countries wanted to make sure England was okay and question him, they knew that he shouldn't be overwhelmed at the start. Some of the countries had to admit that America was better suited to taking care of England at the current moment.

"Ve! Keep us updated, okay America?" Italy told America.

"You got it Italy!" America told Italy while grinning and holding a thumbs up as well as carrying England.

After the countries left, Romania appeared behind America and the unconscious England.

"Well done with catching him!" Romania said, grinning at America.

"Hey there, Romania! And thanks!" America replied, grinning in return

"I have something for England. To ensure he doesn't run away again, a bracelet that Norway and I infused with magic will stop him from teleporting away. And if he does manage to teleport away again, the bracelet well also stop his detection spell. There's a small latch at the bottom of it to take it on and off. That's the only way to get it off. Make sure he isn't aware of the latch," Romania informed him.

"Will do Romania! Thank you for telling us that England was here."

"It was my pleasure. Oh, and America? Please, find out why he disappeared like that. He really did worry Norway and me. Norway may not show much emotion, but he was worried," Romania added softly.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to find out for all of us! Hero's promise!"

"Well then I'll see you later then America! Have fun with England!" Romania waved as America teleported out of his country, taking the Englishman with him.

Arriving back at his house in America, America lay England down on his couch. Feeling that England's presence on his land was slowly disappearing despite said country in front of him, he took England's wrist and wrapped it around his wrist. Doing the latch up and enclosing the bracelet, he put England's wrist back down and left the Brit to sleep off the tranquilizer. Walking out of the living room where he was originally situated in, he walked into the kitchen to get himself some food.

  Getting a burger, he sat down to eat it thoughtfully while reminiscing about the events that had taken place a few minutes ago.

  "Now that England is here, what am I gonna do with him. I don't know if he's gonna budge with any questioning I do. He's as stubborn as a rock. I'll have to figure out before he wakes up then. I should probably call Canada to tell him about what happened."

Oh snippity snip snap, we are going places! 630 reads! Thank you so much! Snippity snip snap! I do need to start planning the next book though. Either Pokétalia or Pottertalia. But anyways.
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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