Chapter 26

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Grumble grumble. Gruuumble.

"What is that noise?" England thought to himself wearily as he found himself roused from his slumber.

Opening his eyes slowly, he was met with a huge TV in front of him with shelves of games next to it.

"Right, I'm in America's house. He brought me inside after the dinner last night. It was nice..." England thought groggily.

Feeling a weight on his shoulder, he turned his head to the side. Seeing a head of blonde hair, a few moments passed before realisation went through him.

"America's head is on my shoulder. The warm feeling against my side is his body. He's right next to me."

"Ahh!" England yelped startled, falling off the couch, once again falling off of something.

As the support America was leaning on disappeared, America's head smacked against the couch cushion, nothing padding his fall. His shoulder made an imprint in the couch as he continued sleeping. Snores rang out from his mouth, nothing disrupting him.

"Well that was unexpected. How is he still sleeping?"

Looking down at the sleeping country, he smiled. America's face was peaceful, nothing disturbing his sleep.

"Should I wake him up? I don't want to be a bother," he thought, not knowing what to do.

But before he could be sure of what action he should take, America woke up.

"Hmmm? Did I hear something yelp?" he asked sleepily.

His eyes looked around the room lazily, his glasses still somehow on his face. They finally landed on England who was sprawled out on the floor.

"England, dude? What are you doing on the floor? Isn't the couch comfortable?"

"I...fell off it," England admitted quietly, worried about teasing from America.

There was a moment of silence as America stared at England. The Brit chose to look away, staring at something in the distance. America broke the silence with a laugh.

"I do the exact same all the time! One hour I'm on the couch, the next, SPLAT, I'm on the ground! Reminds me of pancakes!" America said enthusiastically.

"Should I even wonder how he's this hyper in the morning?"

"But anyways, what do you want for breakfast? I have a bunch of things I could cook up for us! Oh, but I also need to make a phone call! I forgot all about it last night. Which was the best! Figure out what you want, okay? BRB!" he exclaimed as he ran out of the room.

"Wonder what that phone call's about. It's not my business anyways."

Meanwhile, America darted upstairs. Running into his room, he pulled out his phone. Dialling in the numbers, he waited for the country to pick up.

"Hello?" the voice came from the speaker.

"Hey Germany! Just calling to say that England and I won't be at any meetings for awhile. K, thanks!" he said through the phone, not leaving Germany any chance to respond.

The German was left staring at his phone blankly.

"The least he could have done was give me a report about how England was doing."

I'm sorry that I missed last week's update! I wasn't feeling up to writing and couldn't think of anything. But I'm back to updating! And now that I come back here, I realise that I forgot to thank you guys for 3k reads! Thanks!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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