Chapter 12

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England's POV

After getting away from America, I was about to collapse. My magic was badly drained. Luckily the spell was in full effect again. I feel bad for abandoning him like that. I hope that he's okay. It was rude of me to just leave him like that, but I had to get away. He already came too close for my liking to getting me to go back.

I need to find somewhere to sit down. I'm feeling quite woozy after the ordeal. My magic isn't doing much better either. Fortunately there was a cave I saw up ahead. Slowly making my way over there, I walked in and immediately sat down from exhaustion. While getting my energy back, I had time to recap on the events that had previously happened.

First, America was actually trying to get me to come back.

Second, America had said everyone else was worried. He had said that they were actually concerned for me. Does that mean there were other countries in Germany as well? But how would they have gotten there so quickly? The only way is if they teleported, but only Germany can teleport to Germany. Even teleporting other countries along takes quite a lot of energy.

Unless they got magic to teleport, but only Romania, Norway and myself have magic. That's one of the reasons I was always early at the World Meetings. There's no way that Romania and Norway would give them magic. We've always been the only holders of magic. They can't be that motivated to try and find me, right?

Third, are they going to come after me again? How long am I going to be on the run for? Are they eventually going to just stop? Maybe it was just this one time.

Fourth, I revealed too much about why I ran away. It may have not been the full extent of why I left, but I still said too much. They shouldn't be worrying about the likes of me and why I left. I shouldn't have blown up like that.

Closing my eyes and pushing the questions to the side, I found myself submitting to the sleep that was overtaking me. I should be fine for a few hours.

After waking up from the nap I had, I found myself in panic before swiftly coming back to the realisation of where I was. Still feeling tired, I stumbled out of the cave I had parked myself in. Making my way downtown, I quickly found a hotel to sign into. Along the way, a nice girl helped me make my way to the hotel. She reminded me of America in a way, with the upbeat attitude. She didn't ask any questions; only helping me as I occasionally stumbled towards the hotel.

As I signed into the hotel, I thought about how long I'll stay for. I decided to stay for five days. On the fifth day I'll leave.

As the days past and thoughts in my mind, I came to the conclusion that I should be more on my guard when I move out. Considering how they found me when I left Germany, I need to be more wary. I'll need to use my magic quickly to get away again.

I wonder if they'll follow me all the way here as well. They can't actually care about me, can they? That's absolute rubbish. They tease me and make fun of me. If anything, they want me gone. And I shall abide by their wishes. It doesn't make sense why they're chasing after me though. It must be because they're worried about how my economy might be doing and about their own people.

I should move out again soon. My protection is starting to drift. I wonder how long I'll have to do this for. Time to get out of Romania.

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