Chapter 18

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"England wait! Don't go back up yet!" America said desperately.

England paused for a second before turning back to face America.

"Yes, America?" he asked him, staring dejectedly into the floor.

"England...please tell me why you're like this! You're worrying me," America stated, pleading to find out the answer.

England didn't respond. He just continued staring holes into the floor. America was saddened by the lack of movement he got from England. Even a simple calling of 'idiot' would have sufficed.

"What usually gets a reaction out of him? Anything would work! Just a simple snap or response," America thought hurriedly.

Thinking back to past encounters with England, he quickly found a memory that might work.

Just as England looked like he was about to turn around and flee to his room, America spat out a sentence.

"But Iggy! For reals dude, tell me, dawg! If ya gonna act that way yo, ya gotta explain why dude!" America told England, cringing at the sentence he made up on the spot.

Surely if even he cringed at the sentence, England must respond, right? America awaited England's reaction, eagerly hoping for something. Just a spark of familiarity would be alright.

As England looked up, America stared into his eyes. Expecting to see a flame igniting in those mesmerising eyes, he was let down as those eyes held no fire. Instead, inside of them held dejection, hurt and fear.

"Wait, fear?" America thought worriedly, not expecting those emotions to be present.

England sighed, before answering America.

"If that's all, America, then I'm going to retire to my room," England said softly, turning around.

America could only helplessly watch as England trudged up the stairs with his back hunched. It wasn't his normal prideful walk, but instead a defeated walk.

"If he didn't respond to that, then something's wrong with him. What can I do now? That's the only thing I can think of to get his attention!"

Meanwhile, England was close to tears.

"He only wants to find something to tease me about. Why, America? Why would you try and kick me down any further than the way I am now? I can't take the teasing right now. If I had corrected him, then surely he would have immediately jumped on the way I'm a grammar freak," he thought bitterly.

He walked into the room, closing the door quietly as if he feared something would happen if he didn't. As he softly padded towards the bed, tears welled up his unusually dull green eyes.

"How can I survive this any longer?"

The next day, America woke up tossing and turning. He had no idea how to get England to open up. Throughout what was left of the week, America tried different ways to spark any of the old England back. Each and every time he failed.

"Hey England!" America said with his mouth full of food, the words coming out muffled.

He looked up, waiting to see a response from the Brit. Instead what he found was the Brit poking and prodding at his breakfast, moving it around the plate with his fork. There was sad look on his face as the food moved from one end to another, mixing together into lumps. America frowned as well, seeing no reaction. He swallowed, sighing internally at the failed attempt.

"Hey England!" America called up the stairs. "You wanna play some video games?"

No response came from the room.

"I've got two player and everything!" America tried again.

Silence was all that was heard.

  "Yo England! Ya fine with burgers tonight? I can get fries and milkshakes as well!" he yelled.

There was no snappy remark about how much grease was contained in them. No protest came.

As each attempt failed, his hope got lower and lower. Soon finding himself at a lost for what to do, he stopped trying to get England to open up.

"Where's the England I know?"

So I procrastinated slightly again and didn't finish this until yesterday. But I finished it and it's up! Did anyone else cringe at America's sentence earlier? It made me cringe writing it!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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