Chapter 10

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"You aren't going to let it go, huh Canada?" America asked.

"Of course not. I've never seen you this panicked and worried before. Not to mention this is England that's been missing. How come you're so worried?" Canada prodded.

America looked at Canada and sighed.

"You know that I'll be here for you no matter what, right? Even if it's because of the most absurd reason, I'll still support you," Canada assured America.

America looked at his brother gratefully before answering.

"It's just... I don't know! I get these feelings around him that I can't explain and it's driving me nuts! Whenever I look at him, I can only see the good things in him. Like how his eyes gleam in the sunlight, how his hair gets ruffled in the wind. His personality is snappy, but that's what makes him, him! How he's stubborn and doesn't backdown to a fight... How he doesn't take comments from anyone without least before he ran away," America paused to take a breath.

"But these feelings... I know I'm normally dense and oblivious, but I can't figure out what's happening to me at all! And it's driving me insane! Am I sick with something? Do I need to go to a doctor?! What's going on with me?"

Canada looked at the usually hyper country, sympathy in his eyes.

"America...I can't say what you may be feeling. I can only guess what may be happening. After all, I'm not you. But I can at least help and give you advice. From what you told me, you seem to have a crush on England. I mean, you sound like a love sick fool. And that's not like you. I'm pretty sure with the way you've been acting, you have a crush."

" him? But these feelings! They're really intense. It's like, my mind goes to mush whenever I see him. My heart yearns to be around him. I burst into so much panic when I heard about his disappearance. I couldn't bare to think of the bad things that could have happened to him. 
Is that what I'm suppose to feel, Canada?" America asked, looking at him pleadingly.

  "From my experiences, yes. That's what you usually feel," he said simply in reply.

"Wow. Now that I've said how much I care about him, I feel less...panicked. Thanks for your help bro. I guess I have some kind of sense about what I'm feeling now. Half of me wants to deny that I have a crush on England. But the other half of me agrees with what you said. I guess I'll only figure out as time goes on! Though has anyone ever told you how great you are at advice?" America asked his brother cheerfully,

"Well, no. Not really. Though it could be due to the fact no one really notices me anyway," Canada said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Right," America said chuckling nervously.

A few days past as America stayed with his brother. Canada helped give insight to what America had been missing. Canada gave him some reminders about what to say to the other countries once he teleported back to Germany.

"Thanks again, Canada. For letting me stay with you and for giving me insight on what I've been feeling. I really appreciate it. You're the best brother anyone could have," America said sincerely.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad that you've gotten a grasp of your emotions. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Will do! See you!" America said, waving at the quiet country before disappearing in flash of light.

"Please bring England back, America."

I'm so sorry about the long wait for the new chapter. I ran into writer's block. I still have a bit of a block but here's the chapter! Thanks for over 300 reads!
- Starlite

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