Chapter 30

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The next day soon came as the sun rose and stayed high up in the sky. England was peacefully sleeping in his bed, his cold getting better from the rest he had. Guaranteed, he was still sick. But he wasn't coughing or sneezing up a storm as much as he had been yesterday.

As the sick nation was slumbering away, the other nation was awake in his own bed, thinking about events that had transpired yesterday. He was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling without his glasses on.

"I still can't believe he showed some of his previously attitude yesterday," America muttered to himself. "Of course he showed a bit of it at the stables, but it was only a teensy bit! Yesterday, he actually snapped at me and sassed my beloved video games."

Rolling over with a groan, thoughts came to his head. "I'm glad he seems to be improving though. I don't know how I would feel if he was like this for the rest of his life. Or how any of the other countries would feel. I still wonder why they're all close to him, or care about him. Maybe that's a question for later. These past few days though, have been some of the best days in my life. I wish it would have been under better circumstances though..." he thought to himself sadly, memories popping into his head of how the Brit had gotten to his house. Not willingly, that was for sure.

"The days I've spent with him have been nice, even if he isn't acting like his usual self. I enjoy any time with him really! His usual snap is quite endearing after all," he mused with a small grin forming on his face. "And the small smiles he occasionally gives lately, it's just aghhhhh. It makes my heart skip a beat, and I don't appreciate that. It's not healthy!" Screaming internally from the remerging feelings he had pushed away, a memory came back to him.

"From what you told me, you seem to have a crush on England. I mean, you sound like a love sick fool. And that's not like you. I'm pretty sure with the way you've been acting, you have a crush."

Remembering those words that Canada told him, his face heated up at the thought of having a crush on England. He never really did get a chance to sort out his feelings about England. With all of the things happening, he just never had an opportunity to sit down and properly sort out his feelings based on what Canada had told him. Sure, he agreed with Canada and yeah, he could say he had a crush on the stubborn and slightly reclusive country, but the feelings he had hadn't appeared until now. Especially with the Brit coming down with a cold, he felt the urge to take care of him.

"Aghhh! I hate feelings!" he yelled, his pillow muffling any loud noises coming from the America currently thrashing around on the bed.

In the other room, the cause of the American's anger stirred slightly, though didn't wake.

Sorry for the short chapter! I didn't have much time to write this, and I really wanted to put this chapter in before I forgot. it was kind of essential for later parts in the story so when specific parts came, they wouldn't seem too abrupt. I mean, I believe a certain ship is in the tags after all, so I did need to implant this in soon.

We are drawing near the end of the story. With no skipped updates, this book has maybe a month and a half left? It's a bit early to be saying this, but if any of you decide to stick around to the next book, there will be two weeks in between this book's end, and the new book's beginning. A filler book will probably be posted during that time, and only that time. Yes, the new book had already been planned out with the first part already typed up. It's not a sequel to this. Hope you guys are doing well!

See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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