Chapter 43

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Before England could debate over if he wanted to run before saying goodbye to America, something pink and fuzzy was stuck in front of his face. Quickly wiping his face of any remaining tears, he looked up to see America grinning.

"Here!" he beamed happily.

A stick of cotton candy was being held by America and being offered to him. He took it slowly, as America sat down next to him and started eating his own.

"Thanks," England quietly told him.

"No problem, dude! I saw this guy selling them at a vendor, and thought that you'd want to try cotton candy. After all, I wasn't sure if you ever had this sugary goodness! And of course, I got one for myself because who can resist cotton candy? It's one of the best things at a carnival, if not the best!"

England watched on as America continuously rambled on about the wonders of cotton candy. He slowly bit at his as thoughts kept on pestering at him.

"Leave. Leave now and don't say goodbye to him. Leave him with no strings attached."

"Tell him how you feel first! Wait and see if he returns your feelings. You can't just leave him like this. Look at how happy he is right now! You can't break that!"

"But it'll hurt less for you if you do it quickly. It'll be like ripping off a bandage, quick and simple. You'll feel pain for a split second and then it'll be gone."

"America is no bandage, and should never be treated like one! He's a human, kind of, and should be treated like one!"

"It's better this way. Get it over with."

"It's not better like this. Wait. Have some patience."

America looked over mid ramble and saw England fiddling with his hands. Both of them done with their cotton candy, America got up to throw them away before returning. Looking at England with confusion in his eyes, he asked England what was wrong.

"Hey, Arthur, are you alright? Did the cotton candy give you a stomach ache?" he asked concerned.

England closed his eyes, and then opened them. He smiled weakly at America.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Can we go somewhere secluded quickly?"

America was puzzled, though he didn't say anything, figuring England would explain why. As they walked over to a park that was nearby, England kept playing with something in his hands. This peaked America's interest though he didn't take too much of a note on it. When they reached the park, they chose another bench to sit at. They were both quiet, neither of them knowing what to say to each other. After moments of silence, England turned to America. He gulped a couple of times, trying to wet his suddenly dry throat. His eyes were dull, unlike the vibrant colour he usually had.

He took America's hands, ignoring the blush rising up on America's cheeks. He put the item he was fiddling with into America's hands, before moving America's hands over themselves to hide the item. England got off the bench, moving in front of America. He motioned for America to uncover the item.

America slowly moved his hands, afraid to see what he was holding. He sat there confused, before his eyes widened. He quickly looked up at England, immediately seeing tears on the others face, streaming down. A green glow was surrounding the runaway country.

"I love you, America."

With that, a flash of green temporarily blinded America. When he opened up his eyes, there was no one in front of him. Something slowly dropped out of his eyes before more rapidly followed. He sat there, gently crying and still in shock.

In his hands sat a bracelet. England was gone.

The Disappearance of England | Hetalia Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now