Chapter 3

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"Well, first we need to figure out where England is located. There is no point in just rushing off to random places. Not to mention the amount of time that will take. By the time we arrive somewhere, he might already be gone," China said.

"Every country can sense if another country is on their land and who that country is. Perhaps that could be of some assistance?" Japan offered.

Every country paused for a bit, trying to figure out if any other nations that weren't usually there, were in their country. They couldn't sense anything.

"Well there is always a chance that he didn't go to one of our countries. I mean, there are a ton out there besides just us. In total, there are only nine countries here right now. And that's only a very small part of the world out there. I'm not even sure if England would go to one of our countries considering it would be easy for us to find him," Romania pointed out.

"Wait. I just sensed something," Germany said, raising his voice slightly.

"And I take back what I said," Romania muttered.

"Maybe it's Angleterre! Can you get a read on the person?" France asked Germany.

"It is England! But his presence is flickering. There is something blocking him. What could be blocking him? This has never happened before," Germany said concerned.

"Well we need to get going! We're wasting time by just standing here!" America yelled out, prepared to start running to the nearest airport without thinking.

"Wait. You're just like that stupid Dane. Always running somewhere without thinking first. Romania and I can help you get to different countries faster than an airport," Norway said, rolling his eyes.

Both he and Romania waved a hand at all the countries, sending light blue and red sparks at them, causing a glow to envelope them. The glow slowly faded away as Romania began to speak again.

"Now you can teleport quickly to different countries. It's an added bonus to all of us already being able to teleport to our country without any magic considering we are attached to our land in various ways. But take into consideration that the teleportation we gave you doesn't last forever. Magic in general takes up your energy. If England is using magic right now, it's going to start to fade soon. Magic saps your energy. In order to teleport, just imagine where you want to go. You can randomly teleport as well. Teleporting to a specific spot will take your energy away though. Randomly teleporting doesn't take as much," Romania explained.

"Thank you, Romania and Norway. Are you going to come with us?" Germany asked them.

"I think that it'll be better if Romania and I stay here," Norway started, "it'll be less conspicuous. All of a sudden, a bunch of people show up out of nowhere? It would better for us to stay here. Now the more time you spend talking to us, is more time for England to get away again."

The countries nodded in confirmation. They all imagined similar parts of Germany in their heads. Focusing hard on the image in their heads, they visualized themselves being in the landscape. With a white glow surrounding each of them individually, they disappeared.

"Do you think they'll be able to find England and bring him back?" Romania asked Norway tentatively.

"I hope so," Norway said back.

The Disappearance of England | Hetalia Fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now