Chapter 40

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The car ride to the fair was awkward on both their parts, one of them knowing what may go down that night, and the other being clueless. Bright lights greeted them as cheerful music pounded out from the carnival. England shook his head slightly as thoughts came back to his head. He was determined to try and enjoy this night, even though it would be short lived.

They got of the car, walking into the fair and looking at the sights around them.

"So, what shall we do first?" England asked America.

"Let's go get tickets or wristbands first!" America said excitedly, any previous tension melting away.

Arriving at the booth, they purchased wristbands upon America's insistence, and walked over to their first destination. A rollercoaster. England gulped nervously. He couldn't remember the last time he had been on a roller coaster.

America saw his reaction and playfully teased him.


England glared at him, his pride winning over his fear.

"Talk to me after the ride and let's see who's scared then!" he snapped and marched into the ride line.

America smirked, his pride flaring as well.

The line progressed quickly as America's and England's competitive streak grew. Strapped into the ride, the two countries glared at each other, both wanting to come out on top.

"There's no backing out now, Artie," America goaded.

England glared, resisting the temptation to smack him and retaliated with, "Right back at you."

The ride started with a jolt, the nations tensing up. Then it took off like a rocket.

"AAAAH!" they both screamed at the same time, shrieking their heads off.

The ride progressed in speed, going up and down, causing nauseating feelings to everyone on the ride. England quieted down first, while America kept yelling. That is, until it came to the loop de loops. Then England started yelling again. Slowly the ride came to a stop. Sighs of relief were heard along the ride. England's stomach came back to its right place. started again. The ride started slowly moving again, when it rocketed off once again.


Hey look, it's a new chapter! Sorry for the wait! Updates will be on Saturday or Fridays, depending on when I write them. How're all of you doing?
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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