Chapter 20

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Canada opened the door to see England laying on the bed. He was on his back, staring absentmindedly into the ceiling.

"Hey," Canada said softly as he closed the door behind him and walked further in.

He got no response from the Brit.

"So I guess my brother's been keeping you here for a while, huh?" Canada tried, wanting to start up a conversation with England. "America told me how you've been running away from everybody. Do you want to tell me why?"

A moment of silence passed before England broke it.

"Why are you here?" he asked Canada, not breaking his staring at the ceiling.

"America called me," Canada answered truthfully. "He asked him I could come down to talk to you. He was panicking and rambling. Didn't even give me a choice in the matter."

"How annoyed is he?" England asked softly.

"He's not annoyed at all," Canada told him, confused at England's assumption. "Why would you assume he's annoyed?"

"Because I've ignored him over and over again. He's bound to lose his patience with me and kick me out," he told Canada, shrugging his shoulders a tiny bit.

"Do you want him to kick you out?" Canada asked curiously.

England was struck by an overwhelming desire to tell Canada everything. A desire to let all of his feelings out on the shy nation. But he held back the urge.

"England?" Canada probed once again.

Deciding to let Canada know some information, he opened his mouth to talk.

"Yes, I'm hoping he'll kick me out. I'm being such a nuisance to him. I wish he would stop looking after me. There's no point in wasting food and drinks on me. After all, he hates me. So does everyone. You're probably only talking to me because America wanted you to," England sighed.

"And why would you think that?" Canada questioned.

England didn't reply, leaving Canada to piece together what he could from the quiet nation next to him. Struck with a sudden realisation, Canada told his thoughts to England.

"All the teasing the other nations do to you. You're hurt so much by it and so sick of it that you've withdrawn into yourself. You can't bare to take anymore of it so you ran away. Did I at least get some part of it right?"

England barely nodded. Canada had at least gotten that part right. Sure, it wasn't the entirety of why he ran away, but it was part of it.

"I know how you feel," Canada said forlornly. "Maybe I don't know exactly how you feel, but I have an inkling suspicion of what feelings you harbour. At World Meetings, I'm ignored by everybody there. America is too busy blabbering off about being hero, and France is too busy squabbling with you. Really, only you, France, and America notice me. All the other countries don't realise I exist or think I'm a ghost. Every time it hurts. But I get through it. Only because of the people that show their care for me. At least outside of the meetings I get noticed by you three," Canada paused to take breather.

"That's part of the reason why I came down here to talk to you. Not just because America asked me to, but because I genuinely care about you England," Canada continued.

England has stayed silent during Canada's explanation, not daring to interrupt the easily forgotten country. Speaking up after Canada finished, he shared some of his own thoughts.

"America tried getting a reaction out of me about a week ago. He said a sentence with really bad grammar on purpose. He's been trying to find ways to tease me, I just know it," England said dryly, trying to cover up the hurt still residing in him.

"Who knows, maybe that wasn't the reason?" Canada tried to reassure England, silently hitting his brother in his mind.

"I doubt it. But you know, thank you Canada. For actually talking to me."

Canada smiled, looking at England. England finally averted his eyes from the ceiling to glance at Canada.

"It was my pleasure England. Please, try to talk to America a bit. He sincerely cares about you even if he tries to hide it. I think he's pacing outside the room right now. I better go see what he's up to. Goodbye England. I hope to talk to you again soon, next time when you're not being kept captive by my brother."

Hey! So I don't normally post on any other day but Friday,(procrastination at its finest) but today is my 1 year anniversary of me joining Wattpad! So I thought it would be nice if I wrote another chapter today in addition to the one coming out on Friday! Can I just say I never expected to get this far within my 1 year of being on here? But enough of this. Hope you guys enjoy the surprise chapter!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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