Chapter 11

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"Hey Germany!" America yelled as soon as he teleported into Germany's house.

"America, for goodness sakes. Do not yell inside my house," Germany said sternly after jumping in surprise and turning to face him.

"How's Italy?" America asked Germany, remembering that the pasta loving country had tripped(and completely ignoring Germany's scolding).

"Oh he's fi-"

"Ciao America!~" the hyper Italian chimed from behind Germany.

"As you can see, he's perfectly fine. He only tripped and fell. Italy's fine," Germany said, sighing afterwards, remembering what had happened after America left to chase after England.

After America left, Italy started complaining to Germany.

"Germany! It hurts!" Italy whined.

"Let me see then."

Italy showed his leg to Germany and rolled up the pant leg.

"Italy...there isn't even a scrape on your leg! Why are you complaining?" the strict nation asked, feeling frustration grow in him.

"Because it huuurrts!" Italy said, stretching out hurt.

"You'll be fine, Italy. I'll carry you back to meet the others since there's no point in teleporting back," Germany said exasperated, internally rolling his eyes.

"Thanks you, Germany!"

"Well at least he wasn't actually hurt, right?" America told him.

"I suppose. Though we should instead talk about what happened with you and England a few days ago. I'll call down all the other countries. Go ahead into the living room first," Germany told him, going upstairs to go get the other countries.

America walked into the living room with Italy behind him. He sat down on one of the chairs and waited for the other countries to come down.


A minute later and the countries scurried into the room.

"Hello America," some of the countries said, greeting him.

He greeted them back and waited as the countries took their seats and patiently sat there for America to start talking.

"So now that everyone is here, I'll start talking about that happened," America stated as he began telling them about what went down between him and England.

He told them about how he went after England, what England had said to him and how he had been teleported all over the place.

"The last place we ended up was in Canada. England ended fleeing after I let go of him. After I was left standing in the snow, Canada appeared behind me."

"Who's Canada?" one of the countries asked confused.

"How could you forget about the awesome Birdie?!" a voice said from the hallway.

Prussia strolled into the room with a grin on his face and Gilbird on his head.

"How do you know Canada, mon ami?" France questioned.

"He's an awesome guy once you actually notice him. But the awesome Birdie, or as you guys know him, Canada, is the country that is about hockey and maple syrup? Canadian eh? All aboot that hackey?" Prussia reminded them, exaggerating the Canadian accent at the end.

"Ohhh, that Canada," a few of the countries realised.

"But anyways, Canada ended bring me into his house where I stayed for a few days. Along that time, he helped me realise why England may have ran away from us," America explained.

"And my feelings."

"And what did Canada say?" Germany questioned America.

"Well, the way he's being treated. We tease him about who he is as a person. Sure, a bit is harmless, but how long has he been around? He's been around for a long time. And we've been around for a quite a long time as well. So he's been teased practically his entire life. Most of us are guilty of this," America told the shocked countries, looking at the ground.

The countries who teased him the most looked shamefully at the ground, realising how they'd treated the European country. They all did enjoy England as a person, no matter how much they had teased him.

"But how are we going to get England back?" Italy asked sadly.

"Well we would of course have to bring him back to a house and prevent him from teleporting away from us," France said.

"I could always knock him out with my pipe, da?" Russia said cheerfully.

"Russia no!"

"He may actually be on to something," Germany said thoughtfully

"You want us to harm England?" America asked shocked.

"Just attempting to knock him out may work. No, not by punching him or hitting him over the head. That'll probably just give him a concussion. Even if we attempt to teleport him back, he could easily teleport away," Germany stated.

"And cause him to see more things than he already sees," America added in his mind.

"And how do you suppose we do that without harming him?" France asked.

"Tranquilize him maybe?" someone offered.

"But couldn't that potentially harm him?" America asked confused.

"As long as we don't stab it into him, it should be fine. Shooting him with a dart would work better than a needle," China explained.

"It is worth a try," France said hesitantly after seeing all the doubtful looks on their faces.

"That will be the plan then," Germany finalized.

Right after coming up with a solution, the phone rang. America went over to get it.

"Hey! The hero's speaking!" America answered.

"America? What are you doing in Germany's house?" the person on the other end asked.

"Well it's a long story that has waaay too many details to explain over the phone. But anyways, why're you calling Germany, Romania?"

"Well, England's presence just appeared on my land, and considering what happened almost a week ago, I thought I might tell Germany to come here quickly," Romania told him.

"We'll be right over," America hurriedly said, hanging up the phone.

"England's in Romania!" he exclaimed to the other countries.

"Let's get moving then!" Italy cheered.

The countries prepared to teleport to Romania, where England was located.

"I could still knock him out if he resists, da?"


As the flash of light signified their departure, the house was left empty.

"Hey! I guess the awesome me is just going to be left alone. Maybe I should go see Birdie! Or invite him over!"

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