Chapter 13

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England briskly made his way out of Romania. After feeling his shield start to slip, he signed out of the hotel and quickly made his way out. Walking into an area with trees and bushes around him, he kept his guard up. He wasn't aware of the watchful eyes that were staring at him from the bushes.

"You better know how to use that tranquilizer gun, France!" China exclaimed quietly.

"Of course I do. Do you really think that lowly of me?" France said, mock hurt.

"Now is not the time for that aru!"

"I'll make sure not to hurt Angleterre, so don't worry."

He fired the fun and a dart came out, flying at England.

The two watched as the dart flew towards England, over his head and into a tree trunk next to him.

England felt a whoosh of wind brush over the top of his head. He quickly turned to the side seeing the dart and snapped back around to see China hitting France in the head.

"Aiyah! You sure didn't hurt him! You didn't even touch him!"

"It was simply the wind mon ami! I have perfect aim!"

"That seems like a bunch of lies to me!"

"Do you not trust moi? I'm wounded by your accusations!"

"After that attempt, of course not aru!"

England stood there for a second before sprinting off.


The two countries in the bush leaped out and chased after him.

England started running for his life.

"Why now!? My magic isn't back enough for me to fully teleport away! And besides, my shield isn't back up! This isn't good!"

As he was running, countries popped out to try and catch him. Dodging left and right, speeding up and down, he evaded them.

  "England, you will come back here right now, da?"

"Ve~ Englaaaaand! Stop running!! We can have pasta!"

"England-san. We do not wish you any harm."

"How long are they going to pursue me?" he wondered frantically.

His pursuers used some of their magic to get ahead of him and leap at him from both sides one after another.

"So they can use magic! Nooo, not good! Magic come back please!"

As he sprinted, panic overtook him. As France jumped towards him, intending to take him down, England teleported a short distance away from him.

"No no no no, stay away from me France! I wouldn't have had you coming in any contact with me before this anyways."

"Of course he teleports away from me first," France muttered.

As individual countries kept trying to tackle him one by one and him using short spurts of magic to get ahead of them and evade them, he eventually teleported away from all of them. Up ahead he reappeared and started running again.

Feeling the magic enveloping his body again, he smirked slightly despite the situation he was in.

"Time to escape again."

  A green glow started to surround England as it got brighter and brighter.

"The Axis and Allies are here, but America isn't. Where did he go?" England thought to himself.

About to teleport away, he was about to disappear in a flash of green light until he got tackled to the ground and held in a grip. He saw a flash of blonde hair and blue eyes before he hit the ground.

"That's where America went. I did not expect him to think ahead and get ahead of me to cut me off."

Quickly thinking and using his instincts from his previous days as a pirate, he continued to use the momentum to keep on rolling so that America would be thrown off of him.

America got flung off of the European country as said country teleported away again. England disappeared and reappeared ahead of all the countries. The green glow that had previously surrounded him didn't start up again much to the countries' relief. England, not expecting America to have recovered quickly, got shocked when America teleported right in front of him. He stopped.

"Now Germany!" America shouted, having seen the German country take the gun from France.

Before England could think and dodge around America, he got hit with a tranquilizer dart. Knowing he still had time before the tranquilizer set in, he sprinted with all his might past America and started the green glow up again. Dodging all the countries that had leaped at him in worry that he would get away, the green glow enveloped England.

America lunged, hoping to catch England before he could get away. He lunged into the light reaching for England. The countries couldn't see from their angle what happened.


  Thank you so much for over 550 reads! That's halfway to 1000 reads! Thank you again! I think we've hit a bit past halfway of the story now. I need to start figuring out what comes after this book!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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