Chapter 37

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On the drive over to America's destination, the car was filled with conversation about ducks and America.

"America," England said exasperatedly, "those ducks were afraid of you."

America glanced sideways at him, shaking his head furiously.

"No they weren't! They were just playing with me, and then had to go home!"

The Brit dragged his hand down his face, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah right. Playing? They were definitely playing, 'Get Away From the Bird Terror Known as America'. The fear in their eyes were obviously fake," he snarked under his breath.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" America asked him, eyes back on the road.

"Nope. Nothing at all, Mr. Bird Monster."


They arrived at another park. The difference with this park was the hill in the far distance, with a tree in the middle of it. America pointed excitedly over to the tree, forgetting all about the ducks he had terrorised earlier.

"That's where we're heading! Let's go! I really want to eat!" America exclaimed.

Still holding the picnic basket in his hand from the car, he sprinted off, leaving England in the dust.

"Hey! Hold on, you git!"

And with that, England ran off as well, pursuing the hungry American.

Panting and huffing for breath, England caught up to the other nation.

"Do you not have enough patience?" England snapped, bending over to catch his breath.

"Nope! Never even heard of that word," America grinned, eyes twinkling with humour.

"Ugh, hyper idiot as usual," the runaway muttered.

They settled down under the tree, enjoying the shade from the harsh sun that came out. America eagerly dove into the basket of food, pulling a sandwich and hurriedly eating it, England followed his actions, albeit slower.

Sitting in the peaceful silence, England admired the scenario around him.

"I guess it's a change from the scenery I usually see back in England. Back in England...why am I still here? And enjoying America's company?" England thought to himself, about to start thinking deeply.

He was however cut off by America saying something.

"My apologies, could you please repeat that?"

America smiled at him, repeating what he said.

"I'm glad you're here with me. It's been a nice day, y'know? Feeding ducks, talking in the car, and now having a picnic. Just, it's been great. Thanks!"

England blushed. He averted his eyes, looking at the ground instead of America.

"You're welcome...I suppose I've enjoyed being with you as well. Despite leaving terrorised ducks in my wake because of you, I guess it's been, acceptable as well."

"Aww, thanks England!"

So you know how I said I had this image in my head while writing the last chapter? Yeah, I made a quick doodle of it. And this, is why I'm not in art.

My drawing style of humans is usually kind of like this, but more rounder

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My drawing style of humans is usually kind of like this, but more rounder. I do have to say, my favourite part has to be America in the background. I like to think I can draw slightly better than this if I had a reference. Also, next chapter I'll be somewhere else on a school trip so the update time may be a bit weird. I have already written it so it'll be up for sure next week.

See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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