Chapter 41

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Groans were heard as people got off the ride. America's face was slightly green, though he tried to brush it off. He didn't succeed for too long.

"I—I...think I need a trash can," America stuttered out before he bolted towards the nearest trash can.

England looked at him before turning away and pretending he didn't know him. "The poor trash can."

After America was done giving back whatever he had in his stomach to the trash can, the two went to somewhere else in the carnival. Both of them silently agreed to never mention how loudly they both screamed on the ride.

"Hey, look! There's a game!" America exclaimed as he rushed towards the booth.

England rolled his eyes before steadily making his way over to the booth as well, though not as frantic as America. The booth was a ball throw where pins had to be knocked down using a ball.

He studied the booth before whispering to America, "You do know that these booths are usually rigged, right? It wouldn't be wise—and you're playing the game."

The Brit watched as America tried over and over again to try and win at the game. He viewed the continuous fails that were bound to happen. He glanced at the person running the booth, and felt the need to punch him. Maybe it was the smirk he wore, or the knowing look at all the money he knew he was about to get.

"Let me try, Alfred," he said brusquely.

Stepping into the spot Alfred was standing in, he glared briefly at the smirking man before focusing on throwing the ball.

"Are you really sure you can do this, mon ami? I am pretty sure that your ami over there had a better chance than you," the man said before England could throw the ball.

Both England and America thought the same thing at the same time.

"Oh great, he's French."

All America could hope for was minimal blood on the ground.

With the infuriating Frenchman in front of him, the tea loving country came up with a plan. As the boothman was walking back over to his corner, England waited for the perfect timing. He smirked for a second before throwing the ball as hard as he could. The ball hurled towards the side of the booth hitting the wall, before bouncing back and hitting the man in the face. England watched with a weird satisfaction as the unnamed man fell over from the unexpected hit and smacked into the table. Both countries watched as the pins on the table got swept off by the man.

"So, what's the prize I get?"

Only a groan was heard from the booth as America walked away with a refund, and England with a giant bag. America took the bag, and quickly ran to the car before coming back to England.

"So, what's next?"

Hey, look! It's a wild update! Appearing a week late or two late. Shame on the update. The reason for the late update is due to two things. The two weeks after the last update were spent in prep for exam week, and was exam week. Then the week after that, last week, was the week of final activities and grad. Not to mention a band concert happened during exam week, and I got sick. Great for uploading. But now that it's summer, uploads should be back to normal with every week or every other week. Hope all of  you are doing great!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

The Disappearance of England | Hetalia Fanfic |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt