Chapter 19

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America was worried. England wouldn't respond to him whatever he tried. Various actions wouldn't draw him out of that stupid locked room. It had already been a full week without any proper conversation with the Brit.

"England!" America said through the door. "I've got some tea for you! It's your favourite! And it's not burned either! Just the right temperature!"

No response came from the reclusive Englishman.

"Not even tea will bring him out?" America thought desperately.

"It'll just be here if you want it..."

The tea was still lukewarm a few hours later.

"What am I going to do?" America muttered to himself, pacing around his living room at 12:00 in the morning. No matter what he tried, his mind wouldn't give him the pleasure of rest.

"He won't talk to him, he barely eats, he's unresponsive to things that usually work, and I don't know how to connect with him! Not even his leaf water will draw him out! He frickin loves that stuff!" America groaned, his mind devoid of everything but worry for the Brit.

"I don't know if bringing other countries will work. Maybe France would work, but I don't want anything bad to happen to England! I don't know if I can trust that Frenchie. He's already accusing me of things! I don't think Italy can be sensitive for things like this and Germany can't be sensitive no matter what! Japan would listen, but it'll take him a while to get over here! Unless he teleports over. But I don't know if he'll be able to connect with him! I want someone to talk to England and connect! The only one close enough is Canada! Maybe Canada would work! Is he busy? I hope not," America mumbled frantically, panicking.

He ran over to his cellphone to the Canadian country. Dialling in the numbers impatiently, he tapped his foot as he waited for the country to pick up.

"Hello?" a soft voice came from the other end.

"Bro! Thank goodness you picked up! I need your help! It's England! He won't talk, he won't eat, he won't anything! Please come over! Thanks, bye!"

America ended the call before Canada even had a chance to respond. He had barely hit the answer button before America started blaring out. Looking at the time, Canada groaned.

"I guess I'm going over to America's at 3:00AM. Maybe a few more hours of sleep won't hurt."

Canada eventually made it over to where America and England were situated. He knocked on the door once lightly, before the door opening and being pulled in.

"Thank goodness you're here! It's 10:00 in the morning, he should be up by now. Go talk to him! He's in the guest room. You can barge in, or knock. I'd advise the barge in part. I can always replace the door again. If you need help knocking down the door then call me! I'll be outside taking a walk," America spat out nervously before walking out the door that was still wide open.

"Wait, again? He's knocked down the door before? He's really nervous about England. He started rambling. And for once not about burgers."

He walked up the familiar stairs and turning towards England's room. He knocked softly before trying the door knob. It was locked. He knocked again before calling out, "It's Canada. May I come in?"

Light footsteps were heard before the wooden door creaked open cautiously. Canada waited for a few seconds before walking in.

Fun fact for you guys. Did you know that Canada wasn't originally going to be in the story? He originally wasn't going to be in here at all, until I thought of bringing him to help America recognise his feelings. And now he's becoming a major character in the story! Short chapter, I know. But I didn't have time to finish it until now!
See ya at the next update!
- Starlite

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