Chapter 2. Kill me now.

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This is just great! Bloody Hell! I thought mum was just going to lecture me not send me to a fucking boarding school in Bradford! see. We live in London and from London it takes almost 3 hours to get to Bradford.

Honestly,this is the worst punishment i've ever gotten. Usually mum just makes me sit in my room all day or she'll just yell for a couple hours till something new comes up.
My grades at school are okay,I don't see the point of me moving but I guess this time she is serious.
You know i'm not that bad! Yeah I get drunk sometimes and yeah I've gotten 'arrested' a couple times but that doesn't make me a bad person...does it?

I sat on the floor of my bedroom,admiring my fairy lights,if i'm honest with you,my bedroom is going to be the thing I'm going to miss the most.
This is like my little home,the place where i can hideaway when things get rough,the place I start and end my day in and it's just the place where I can reflect on the deep stuff like 'when is dinner ready.?' and  other unnecessary bullshit.
This may sound a little childish but I love anything that glows in the dark or lights up,it just amuses me...

After a while my bum got numb from sitting on the floor so I stood up and stretched a little until I heard mum yell...

"Alina! Start packing! You are leaving tomorrow morning....!!"

You kidding me?!?! I have a couple hours to pack?! This woman is really going mad...


Wow! I never knew I would take this fucking long to pack. At first I thought I didn't need much but as I went through everything,I've packed almost my whole room...

I am so exhausted and it now finally hits me that I'm leaving to go to Bradford In exactly 6 hours..

The morning

Its 9 A.M and my stupid alarm clock destroys another peaceful sleep....
I get up and head to the bathroom connected to my room. I get all the hair out my face and brush my teeth and head out to get dressed. I wanted to wear something comfortable since I'm going to be on a train for 3 hours so i wear my grey converse hoodie,light blue skinny jeans and my blue converse'

I make an effort with my hair because my hair is my life. I have long dark brown hair that reaches my stomach,it's actually quite annoying because having long hair,whilst being short af makes you look shorter than normal.
After putting my hair in a messy side,fishtail braid,I head downstairs to grab a bite.

I avoid talking to my parents because they just make me sick! They're sending me to hell on earth and they expect me to be all jolly and shit. Please. That's certainly not me.

I reach the table and notice that there is a slice of toast with Nutella on it. Don't get me started in how beautiful Nutella is!

"Why is there a slice of toast here?" I was kinda confused mum and dad were both eating

"It's for you honey.." She said with a smile..

"Ahh I see how it is! You feel sorry for me because you are kicking me out so you make toast!"
I know..I jump to conclusions way to much but cmon! She never made be breakfast ever since i turned 11!

"Honey,we are not throwing you out,we are sending you away to focus on your self and your behaviour."
Dad tried explaining

"So you are torturing me! You know I have Chid Line on speed dial." I say.

"Alina,stop over reacting! You father and I will drop you off to the train station,once you have arrived to Bradford,I have arranged a cab for you to drop you of a Bradford Kings College.."' She said..

Eegh, 'Bradford Kings College' I mimic my mum! Even the name of the school sounds stupid!

Seriously,just kill me now.

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